Chapter 1: Beware, Bombs Be Dropping Here!

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It was an ordinary and bright day, you were sitting and binge-watching Netflix on the couch, eating your weight with pizza after the 'necessary' training Steve forced you to have even though you didn't need it considering that you are-


A voice you knew too well yelled from the other side of the room before they revealed their face to you, not even apologizing for the way you choked on the pastry that you were munching and they still had the audacity to steal a slice in which you glared at.

"This is so good," Yelena moaned with her mouth filled with bread. It took her moments before she swallowed it down as she relished the taste since she knew that she wouldn't be able to get any slices again after you pulled the box opposite her, "Anyways, hi! I've been looking for you, my favorite Kryptonian!"

"Fluttering will get you elsewhere, Lena," You groaned, knowing full well what this behavior of her exactly meant. "Who did you punch this time? I thought we talked about your anger issues? You do not punch someone who's just giving Kate friendly-"

"What does Kate Bishop have to do with this?" The blonde scrunched her face though her blush had started creeping up from her neck through her face and it's probably making her embarrassed but it's seriously an entertainment that you'd pay for any time.

"Dude, I know those glances that you two keep throwing at each other. It's what I have to endure every time my parents do that in front of me." You dramatically made some gagging noises, urging the Russian to slap the back of your head to stop you from teasing her furthermore. It took a couple of minutes before you finally caught yourself from your laughing spree, "So, if you didn't do anything drastic, why are you here then?"

"First of all," She pouted, pointing an accusatory finger on your chest, "That's so rude. I'll let you know I've changed now."

"Sure, if pulling that brunette's hair so hard last night, that I got afraid she'll split her head in two, is what you call change then so be it." You scoffed sarcastically with an eye roll.

"You're an absolute asshole. I don't know why your parents even did you and don't get me moving on how they could tolerate you for this long." Yelena stuck her tongue out childishly when you feigned hurt before proceeding with, "Anyways, let's go back to you being my favorite Kryptonian."

"Mhm." You hummed in acknowledgment, biting on your pizza as you signaled for her to go on.

"You know that you're a hero right?" The blonde asked carefully, her moves were calculated while she looked at your reaction intently.

"I wouldn't consider myself that after-"

"You are a hero, Y/n," Yelena asserted more softly this time, the frown on her face slowly lowering and being replaced with a genuine smile as if to prove her point or make you believe every word she says. "No matter what you did in the past, you're a hero. Heck, you're a fucking Avenger for Christ's sake!"

"Yeah, that doesn't really count. I'm in this group to help, not to model around." You muttered to yourself but you knew she still heard it.

"At some point, you have to apply the words you tell us to yourself too, you know?" The Russian stated, firmly but making sure that there was still a tad of sweetness in her voice to not scare you more.

"Getting clingy on me, huh?" You joked, hoping to lift the mood and alter the topic from you since the attention is making you somewhat itch. "So, what do you want? You know, for some reason, I'm starting to believe that you're only friends with me because you wanna be my sugar baby but that's gross, okay? Don't do that."

"You are definitely disgusting," Yelena cringed, "I know that you're filthy rich bitch but it's suddenly grossing me out right now – don't get me wrong though, keep the monthly supply of mac and cheese coming for me since Stark grounded me from using my card sometimes."

"By sometimes, you mean every time you get in trouble that you shouldn't be in the first place?" You raised one of your brows, perfectly placating one of your mother's signature expressions.

"I'm just a human, I could still change." Her pout came back again for a minute to guilt her way through your heart before adding, "Anyways, you know my parents, right?"

"Melina and Alexei." You nodded, internally thankful for the change of topic, "What about them?"

"Well, we had a phone call awhile ago. You know, just regularly catching up and all that and then," The blonde trailed off, she bit her lower lip like the way she always does whenever she was nervous about something which made you squint your eyes in suspicion.

"Go on..." You slowly commanded.

"Imighthavetoldthemthatyouandmysisteraredatingsincetheywon'tleavemealoneunlessItellthemsomethingjuicy." She blurted out in one breath then shut down her eyes tightly as if she was bracing herself from an impact that was coming her way.

"Pardon?" You furrowed your brows, "Can you say it again? Slowly, please."

"You have super hearing! You should have heard that!" The blonde protested.

"I do have a super hearing but what I don't have is the power to catch up with what you're saying!" You scolded, "Especially if you talk that fast!"

"Okay, okay, no need to use laser visions." Yelena raised her arms in surrender when she noticed the corner of your eyes had begun blinking brightly before puffing out a deep breath, leaning as far as she can away from you just in case you decided to take her life this day, "I might have told them that you and my sister are dating since they won't leave me alone unless I tell them something juicy."

It was painfully silent then.

The room fell quiet after she spoke as you tried to process the information that was fed to you.

You didn't know how long you were looking into the ceiling, just spacing out, and thinking a lot of thoughts about how to kill a certain blonde and bring them back to life right after because let's face it, this specific blonde has already wormed her way through your heart.

Her sarcastic remarks, her playful personality, the way she tries to appear like she's some cold person but in reality, she was a walking golden retriever; she's a loving and caring bean and you wouldn't know what you'll do if you lost her.

But right now, you want to do something to her that shouldn't be done.

"Y/n?" Yelena carefully brought you back to reality.

"Yelena." You mimicked but the tone wasn't questioning like hers because it was dangerously low and paired with a sharp glare.

"Hey, I'm sorry, okay? Besides, you do owe me for saving you from that kryptonite bullet that one time we were in the field."

And somehow, this woman has a death wish.

But she has a point.

If it weren't for her, you might still be suffering from some induced coma since the kryptonite bullet was strong and vast. Also, the fact that your body has become exhausted due to the long fight with the hydra and some alien, you knew you wouldn't survive if the trigger was pulled off that gun.

Though, that doesn't cover the knowledge of comprehending that Yelena and Natasha's parents are... scary.

"Please?" Yelena had pouted and used her puppy dog eyes for more chances of you winning you, "Just do me this favor and I wouldn't do anything like this again, I promise."

"I don't have a choice now, do I?" You sighed defeatedly, "But you don't get to use that 'saving from kryptonite' card again, okay?"

"Is that a yes?" She implored cautiously.

"Fine." You rolled your eyes and before you even know it, you were engulfed in a big bear hug. Her weight on top of you as she cradled you tightly, repeatedly saying thank yous in between seconds, making you giggle at how she was unconsciously feeding you with her hair. It took some moments before she finally sat upright, her grin still perfectly place on her face as if it was frozen in there but not until you asked,

"Does Natasha know already?"

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