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Yesterday, someone tried to kill me. Today, I just killed someone.

"I killed him," my voice trembled when I spoke. My eyes were filled with fear as I look at the dead man's body just a few meters away from me. My body was cold as ice, I can barely move a muscle

We were cloaked by silence but I can clearly hear the voices of my Saints inside my head, screaming and crying in pain by the horrifying sight. I can feel the burning sensation crippling at the tip of my fingers to my my veins, up to my chest.

"Run, Saint. Run as far away as you can," Levi commanded in a deep, stern voice that sent shivers down my spine

His words echoed inside my ears and my saints heard them too which made them cry in turmoil. My eyes didn't leave the dead body lying on the ground in front of us, swimming in his own blood. His eyes were wide open and blood dripping out of his mouth. My insides turned. A dead body's scent was enough to make my soul burn. I closed my mouth and swallowed all my pride and guilt from the crime I just committed.

My gaze lowered down on Levi who slowly crouched on the dead man's body. A gush of horror fueled inside me. "Stay away from him," I croaked. I saw how his boot almost touched the blood on the floor. As if he didn't hear me, his attention remained on the man. His brows were furrowed, jaw clenched tightly, and darkness filled his eyes.

"I'm giving you five seconds to run and if you don't, his soul will soon come after you," he spoke again. It wasn't a threat but a warning that would cost my life

"What are you going to do with him?"

"I'll handle this. Just go."

"I can't just leave you here.."

He lifted his eyes on me. Even surrounded by dark shadows, his gaze shone brightly, dark and intense. "Run."

I looked at the dead body again. There's no way for me to run after this deadly sin. Even if I do, I can no longer escape. I can no longer live. I can no longer enter the gates of Heaven. I'll burn in Hell and my Saints might no longer save me.

"But I-"

My body shivered when I felt Levi's presence in front of me. He blocked my view from the dead man's body. When I lifted my eyes on him, I felt that he washed away my sin and transferred it to him. I opened my mouth to speak but he suddenly spoke.

"I will find you," he said while looking straight into my eyes, studying every detail of my face so he can easily find me in this city filled with evil spirits and monsters. "Now run and hide. That's what you're good at. Hide."

"And if you don't?"

But what if he doesn't when I've just become a monster too? Will he still recognize me?

"I will not leave this city until I do."

My Saints were afraid and so do I but I trust him. I swallowed hard and slowly nodded. I took a step back without breaking eye contact. I wore the hood over my head then swiftly turned my heel before silently vanishing deep within the shadows.

Saints and Sinners (Immortal Souls Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now