Chapter 2: Venturing Into the Skull Cave

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The minion pigs are inside a forest, with the map in hand as they look for the cave like Handsome pig ordered them to. They find the skull cave, it seems to be in the shape of a pig with the snout as the door to enter. The pigs open and enter the cave and begin exploring it.

Minion Pig 1: "I don't like this seems scary"

Minion Pig 2: "Ya, me too. But don't worry, it's not like there any traps to kill us or anything-"

The minion pig hears a clicking sound.

Minion Pig 1: "...what's that?? (scared)"

Minion Pig 2: "It's probably nothing-"

The minion pigs begin to hear a sound behind them, so they turn around and see a bowlder rolling towards them, they then realized that they stepped on a trap. They begin panicking.

Minion Pig 1: "WHAT DO WE DO?!?!"

Minion Pig 2: "RUN!!!!!!!!"

The minion pigs begin running for their lives as fast as they can, trying to avoid the bowlder. They eventually find a hiding spot inside one of the walls, so they hid there and the bowlder passes them.

Minion Pig 1: "Phew, that was close"

Minion Pig 2: "Ya, too close, now let's make sure not to trigger any more traps"

Minion Pig 1: "Okay!"

After they escaped the boulder, they explored the cave a little more, eventually, they run into a three-way passageway

Minion Pig 1: "Okay so...which one should we go into?"

Minion Pig 2: "How about we go into the one on the left first"

Minion Pig 1: "Okay..."

The minion pigs go into the left passageway, they see many hieroglyphics and images painted on the walls, and they depict a king pig holding some kind of staff.

Minion Pig 1: "What are these pictures on the walls?"

Minion Pig 2: "I don't really know, but let's focus on getting the jewel, okay?"

Minion Pig 1: "Okay..."

The path was pretty short, and the minion pigs run into a dead end.

Minion Pig 2: "Welp, looks like a dead end, let's go to the other path"

Suddenly, the walls start closing in on them, making the path more and more narrow. The minion pigs begin panicking and run as fast as they can.


Minion Pig 2: "I think we're gonna make it out!!!"

The minion pigs barely make it out of the tunnel before getting squished and then go to the middle tunnel.

Minion Pig 2: "Okay, l think we should be more careful here, we don't want to step into more traps"

Minion Pig 1: "Alright"

The minion pigs continue walking down through the cave, they see more hieroglyphics on the walls, depicting a king pig being praised by his subjects, and holding a golden egg. The pigs continue to walk down the cave until they see a glowing green light up ahead.

Minion Pig 1: "I think that might be the jewel!"

The minion pig quickly runs up ahead to the green jewel

Minion Pig 2: "Wait! There might be a trap-"

The other minion pig steps on a button on the floor, which triggers another trap. The walls switch and shoot out tons of sharp arrows.

Minion Pig 2: "LOOK OUT!!"

The minion pig quickly tackles the other minion pig to get him away from the arrows

Minion Pig 1: "Thanks for saving me"

Minion Pig 2: "That was way too close, let's just get the jewel and bring it to gale"

Minion Pig 1: "Okay!"

The minion pigs walk into the room with the jewel in it, they can see it in a statue of a giant pig wearing a hat with dice tied to it, and along with that there are more statues of those pigs with tattoos on them.

Minion Pig 2: " how do we get this jewel out?"

Minion Pig 1: "Let's try pulling it out!"

The minion pig goes up and tries to pull the jewel out of the statue, but he ends up falling to the ground.

Minion Pig 1: "Ouch!"

Minion Pig 2: "We should probably try and pull a bit harder"

Minion Pig 1: "Right!"

The minion pigs go together to try and pull the jewel out of the statue.

Minion Pig 2: "Come on, pull!"

Minion Pig 1: "I'm trying!!"

Minion Pig 2: "Try and pull harder!"

The minion pigs pull the jewel as hard as they can, and they end up successfully taking it out, they fall down on the ground and jewel lands on top of them.

Minion Pig 1: "Owww, that hurt...but we got the jewel!"

Minion Pig 2: "Good, now let's just bring this to the castle and-"

Suddenly, the statue begins cracking, showing green and purple lights coming from it, with a voice from it cackling.

Minion Pig 1: "Ummm, what's that?!?!"

Minion Pig 2: "I DON'T KNOW BUT LET'S RU-"

The statue fully collapses and a pig wearing a hat and holding a staff comes from it.

???: I'm...I'm free... I'M FINALLY FREE HAH HAHAHA!!!"

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