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Once I got home, I was scared.

There's no way to describe fear.

Maybe it's the way that goosebumps lined my skin the minute I stepped foot on the property. Or how a billion thoughts started racing through my mind at once.

I was conscious, but I didn't feel like me.

Step right. Step left.

NO! One thought in particular shouted out in my mind. Maybe it was the real me trying to fight back against the physical body. NO! Don't step foot in that house! Please! You are risking your life!

Step right. Step left.

I opened the door. I couldn't feel the metal like I normally did. That's when I thought I knew something was wrong.

Quietly walking into the house, my head ducked quickly as a knife flew past, barely scraping my skin on my neck, stabbing into the wall next to me.

"You were gone for more than two weeks." My mother hissed, shoving me up a wall.

Priorities, priorities. I thought. Think, Amy, think.

"You thought you could get away with your aunt and your little boyfriend for longer than two weeks?" She hissed, pushing me up the wall farther.

"N-No mother! It... It was two weeks, I swear!" I stammered out, trying to gasp for air, as she was grasping around my neck as she was hoisting me up against the wall.

"One week too late." She let me go, then brought out an old calendar and pointed to when I had left and then today.

"It was a mistake, I promise!" I shouted.

"Having too much fun, eh? You deserve punishment!" She yelled over my voice.

It wasn't going to be rape this time. I had crossed the line too far, and now, it was time for me to follow the same fate as Dad. Mark wasn't home... Oh thank god, I didn't have 2 killers on my hands.

"Don't move. I'm getting the gun." She growled, and stalked off to the basement. Oh crap.

Prioritize. Call the police. I thought. NO, she'll hurt me before they come!

Call, Leila who will call the police.

No! She never answers when she's far away!

Call Zach.


Call Ms. Gordon.

Now there's a sensible idea.

I whipped out my phone, sped dialed Ms. Gordon and bolted upstairs to my room. Not the smartest choice, I know.

"Amy?" She asked calmly.

"Call 911, my mother is about to murder me, call 911!" I said in a hushed whisper, then hung up and hid in my closet in a secret space behind the extra mattress.

"Oh Amy dear..." I heard my mother's menacing voice call and footsteps grow closer and closer... And closer.

I heard the gun click.

Dammit. I thought. This is the part where the heroic person dies. This is how it ends.

She found me easily, then dragged me downstairs to the hall where she pinned me at the same place as she had before.

She pointed the gun to my head.

"THIS IS THE POLICE! PLEASE COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP OR WE'LL BREAK IN." The intercom said from outside and was muffled from going through the wall.

"So you called the police? You're pathetic." Mother snarled, and started the countdown.


Tell Zach I love him so much. I thought. Tell him that he was my whole world and I'm sorry it has to come to this.

The door next to me burst open loudly.

"Not a foot closer, or the girl dies." Mother growled to the police, gun still pointed at my head.

One of the two officers winked, and another, while my mother was caught off guard, got her in headlock. The first officer removed the gun from her hands forcefully.

I followed the officers outside who were trying to control my struggling witch of a mother.

I looked around. Police and their cars with flashing red and blue lights. Paramedics who were rushing towards me.

Ms. Gordon was there, and Zach was too. I took off running as fast as I could to them. Right now I needed them the most.

Ms. Gordon embraced me in her arms after I ran over to her, sobbing.

The rest is really, really blurry.

All I can remember from the few times I wiped tears from my eyes was that Mother was locked up. I was in Zach's arms when he muttered, "So that's the witch." I was taken by a few paramedics straight to the hospital.

And that was when I blacked out.

WELL, that was intense! Let me know what you guys thought about this chapter in the comments, please vote, and I will be able to update soon, as this is the last day of Camp Nanowrimo! Tell you what: If I get 5 comments (THAT CANNOT BE SPAM) on this about a review, I'll update next week on Thursday.



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