One Sided Love at First Sight

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//oh my god I'm actually doing this btw Ashlyn's POV//

   Today I start school again. The building that forever haunts me. It traumatizes me every time I see it. Oh! Don't get me wrong, I don't get bullied or anything, it's actually way worse than that. You see... In this building there are a bunch of other kids- called students. And they make like 200 decibel noises. I don't understand how they can be so loud. If I were them I would get sick of my own voice. Alas, I must go. Hopefully, no one talks to me... first days make me kind of edgy.

  I got dressed for school a bit early and packed everything I needed, including my noise cancelling headphones. After using my phone for a while, the bus arrived. I got up to leave.

"Ashlyn. Aren't you forgetting someone...s"

It was my dad and mom. I hugged them and rolled my eyes, " I'll see you later, love you"

Then I quickly left the house and boarded the bus. I looked around to find a seat in the back. Once i did I leaned my head to the window and put my headphones on.

                              Tap.                                                                                                                                                                                                          Tap.

I turned around to see some guy leaning over the back seat. I took of my headphones, confused, " Do you need something?" 

His eyes glowed but I wasn't sure why. "Hey. I'm Aiden. I'm new and-"

I cut him off, " Oh that's nice. Good luck." and I put back my headphones. 

Unluckily, he didn't seem like one to give up easily. And I was right. He got up from the back seat and sat next to me. 

" I'm Aiden, I'm new. Want to be friends? Maybe you can show us around."

I looked at him, "us?"

He pointed to his friend behind us, " This is Ben, he's living with me right now and we started school together." 

    Ben was tall, tanned with fluffy black hair. He looked calm, like an angel. His eyes were soft and hopeful. I looked at him and he waved. I looked back at the other kid. Aiden, he had blonde messy hair with crazy cat eyes. He reminded me of that cat from Alice in wonderland. Creeepyyy


Both of them looked a little disappointed and it bothered me that it was my fault, but I didn't care enough to change my mind.

After I got off the bus the only thing, I could think of was the boy with brown hair.  

No. Get. Out. 

I pushed those thoughts out of my mind. I went into class and lowered my headphones. The teacher introduced himself and wanted us to follow suite but everyone seemed nervous. When he asked me I said no and put my head down. I wasn't trying to make friends so why would I introduce myself?  If he wanted to know my name, he could just look at the roster. 

After everyone who agreed greeted themselves two kids had stepped in. "You're late." The teacher told them.

It was Aiden and Ben oh boy. Aiden sorta panicked which made the teacher more suspicious. Ben didn't say anything, but he looked a little worried.  

" Their new. I took them to the office earlier because they didn't know they how to get them online. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I wasn't aware they would be joining this class."

I'm not entirely sure why I spoke out. But when I saw Ben worried I felt a tad bit bad. Aiden looked at me and smiled and Ben joined him. They waved to me and when the teacher heard this he let it slide. 

"Hey! It's you. I thought you didn't want to be friends." Aiden said while he took the desk next to me. 

" I don't. I just felt bad for a couple of new kids.''

He smiled bigger, " Thanks. Oh by the way, what's your name? I didn't ask before."

I turned my face to him, " Ashlyn. Now please leave me alone." 

His smile shrunk but it stayed there. He was the type of kid that would never shut up. Help me god. 

 But Ben seemed way less... Cat Craze. Maybe we could be friends...


Why the hell is Ashlyn falling inlove with Ben. No actually what is happening. Like I don't even know anymore. Hope u enjoyed thoooooooo. 

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