Chapter Two

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He eyes his companion as she closes up the machine, remarking at just how unkept Seven was. Her hair looked like a tornado ran through it three times over and the bags under her eyes were crying for help. He didn't say anything, humming as she locked the machines.

"You need a ride home?" He asks, grabbing his coat.


Leaving the cafe behind them, it's still incredibly bright out, only being 5 pm after all. They get in the car, he starts it, and exiting the parking lot- a certain idea comes to mind. His little friend was finding her way in life it seems. To be honest, he never saw her as anything but an apathetic little coworker. It was sort of baked into her attitude, like a quirkiness embedded into her character. In his peripheral, he eyes her tired appearance.

An idea comes to mind. If she's trying to experience new things, trying to turn a new leaf so to say, well, why shouldn't he help her out? It's the least he can do, and for some reason, the thought of showing her new things sounded pleasant. The first thing he'd show her, well, it shouldn't be that amazing or she'll be disappointed from then on forward. Life isn't rainbows and sunshine.

Something novel, something mediocre. Something 'coming-of-age', but not grand. Something social. Something that could get the edge off of someone who never experienced life before. Think, Dmitri, think...

"Wanna go to a bar?"

Seven stayed silent, eyes trained outside the car window. She almost ignored Dmitri, what with her dead eyes tracing the trees and shrubs quickly passing the duo. Grunting, Dmitri repeated himself, eyes trained carefully on the road. He was listening in to how Seven replied, prepping himself for any reaction in the book.

"Sure?" She replied, sounding unsure of herself. "What does a bar entail?"

He rolled his eyes, thinking of his latest experience. There are drinks, stories, people... His visage flushed only momentarily, thinking of the last intimate encounter he had at the bar. The people there can be pretty blunt with their attraction to you, he relents, recalling just how fondly a woman groped him before letting him know that she-

"Why are you quiet?" Seven asks, noticing her companion cease chatter, his blank, unmoving eyes trained on the road.

"No reason." A gentle tent rose in his pants. "You asked what a bar entailed?" He ignored his member, he wasn't an animal, after all.

"Yeah. I've heard of it in casual settings, and I think I've read about it in a few manga. I don't know how accurate they are, though."

"What did you learn from them, if you don't mind me asking? How would you describe a bar based on what you currently know?"

Hmm. Good question. Now Seven was an avid Shoujo reader, so...

"Everyone's lovely and sweet, I think. The men court the women, and the women erm. Make themselves look pretty and kind. It's like a roleplay of a royal palace or something." She spoke confidently, only stuttering over her words when recalling those mangas she read so long ago.

Dmitri snorted.

"Sure..." He started, very tempted to destroy her optimistic illusion. Recalling back to the scantily clad women and overly friendly men, he quickly decided that telling Seven the truth about 'bars' would scare her back into her bedroom. "A bar is... Something like that."

"Interesting." She says, sparing a glance at Dmitri and then looking back out the window.

The drive from work to the nearest bar was a short drive and the sinister part of Dmitri says it's a blessing to be able to forget about work with quick booze. As they approach, the surroundings look grimier and the atmosphere feels slightly suffocating. Seven has to hype herself up for the sort of models she'll see in this spot, wondering what princesses and celebrities will be lurking about.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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