I can't just leave them out there without trying. I have to. Come on Lydia, pull yourself together. I have to. I have to know I did everything I could.


(Remain in the cabin)

(Help Ryan and Dylan)


Lydia chose to help Ryan and Dylan.


Lending A Hand:
- Lydia attempted to help Ryan and Dylan.

Lydia went back over to the window and looked outside, spotting the creature climbing all around the radio hut.

That fucking- whatever isn't leaving. Shit, I have to try. Come on, Lydia. Do not be a coward. Again.

Lydia then turned to Kaitlyn. "Kait, give me the gun."

"Wha- What?!" Kaitlyn exclaimed.

"Give me the fucking gun." Lydia repeated much louder, her tone more stern.

"Lydia, what are you doing?" Nick asked.

"That thing out there hasn't left the hut so... I'm gonna go see if I can drive it away- MAYBE kill it. I don't know. Just give me the gun and stay inside. I will be right back." Lydia assured.

"You really want to go and try to fight whatever the hell kind of super animal is out there? Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Kaitlyn questioned.

"Just give it to me and stay inside." Lydia said.

Kaitlyn is not happy with Lydia's choice.

Kaitlyn shook her head. "Your funeral." She remarked before taking the gun strap from around her body, handing the gun to Lydia.

"So supportive." Lydia muttered sarcastically. "I'll be fine. Just stay inside. Do not come out until we do." She instructed, Kaitlyn nodding back.

Lydia gave Abigail and Nick and quick glanced before opening the cabin door and running out.

Kaitlyn shut the door after she left, Lydia running over to the radio hut.

When she got there, she looked all around the building, unable to spot the beast anywhere.

However, at the sound of a thud behind her, Lydia quickly turned around.

Not quick enough.

The moment she spotted the creature, it jumped at her and tackled her onto the hard ground, Lydia grunting as she began to struggle against the creature.

She then attempted to wedge the shotgun into the monster's mouth to prevent it from biting her.

The beast chomped at the gun before glancing over at Lydia's fingers. Then, faster than Lydia could even predict, the monster moved its head up the gun and sank its teeth into Lydia's left hand.

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