9| Flame hashira~

Start from the beginning

And her new companion as well, the small black cat that was playing with her right now.
His attention turned from the girl to the door at the sound of it sliding open.

"Ah Senjuro!" (Name) smiled and patted the spot beside herself.
With no hesitation the boy went and sat beside the girl. Just now realizing, (Name) and Kyojuro noticed the tray of tea in his hands.

"Aw, thank you!" (Name) placed Bear gently on the ground -much to her dismay- and picked up one of the cups.
Kyojuro shuffled closer, now sitting directly across from (Name), he too picked up a cup of tea.

Enjoying the silence, the three people -and cat- sat quietly sipping on the deliciously bitter tea.
It was a sweet mix of Camomile and Red Raspberry leaf, with a hint of honey.
Such a sweetly calming tea.

"Well then! I believe you should rest, and in the morning we will begin your training!" Kyojuro stood up abruptly.
Motioning for Senjuro to join him, the younger boy too stood up.
(Name) just smiled and nodded as the they walked out of her new room, standing up as they shut the door behind them.
She could hear the two brothers quietly talking as their footsteps faded further into the house.

Smiling to herself, (Name) placed on some comfortable clothes and crawled into the futon on the floor.
As warmth enveloped her, Bear walked over and curled up on her chest.
Purring in delight, (Name) relaxed as the sweet serenity of sleep overcame her.


(NAME) AWOKE QUICKLY to the sound of something falling in the main room.
It sounded pretty heavy, due to the loud crash it made.

Quickly jumping up and placing on a robe over her nightwear, (Name) slid her door open to go find the trouble.
A startled and tired Bear, following quickly in pursuit.

As (Name) neared the main room she could hear slurred yelling, and quiet whimpering, as well as a voice that seemed to be attempting to defuse the situation.

As (Name) flung open the door to the room, all eyes turned to her.
Her hair was in knots and tangles, her robe slightly disheveled, as she panted lightly for breath.
A very concerned and confused look accompanied her face.

Everyone froze.

As her e/c eyes scanned the room, she noticed a nice vase had been dropped and shafted on the ground.
A Sake bottle lay on the ground, a little bit of its alcoholic substance leaking out.
Shinjuro who seemed half awake, half asleep and very drunk, stood panting from all his yelling.

In front of him stood Kyojuro in a protective stance, with Senjuro whimpering slightly behind him.
Holding onto his elder brothers pant-leg as he peered around it to see his angry father.

Kyojuro also was panting lightly, a twinge of fear on his face as he and his father had just held a screaming match at 4:30 in the fucking morning.

Everyone watched as (Name) assessed the situation, a small bit of embarrassment that they didn't even know they had, stirred from deep inside themselves as she looked around the room.

Each one of them, held their breaths as (Name)'s eyes turned to disappointment when she saw the Sake bottle on the ground.

"What happened in here?" (Name) asked in a calm voice, but yet a stern tone.
It sent slight shivers down the boys spines as they searched their minds for words.

"This—" Shinjuro broke the silence with an aggressive tone replacing all his newly emerged embarrassment. "This little.. shit here broke my vase!" He yelled out pointing an accusing finger at Senjuro -who flinched backwards in fear.
"And he's gonna pay for it!" The man yelled out turning his eyes to Senjuro's, who's was filling with tears.

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