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My trailer door opens and Chris walks in with two cups of coffee he's picked up on his way to set. It's Day one for me of The Gray Man filming while Chris has had an extra month of doing so. And here we are again, back together like old times - minus the adultery. "Time to caffeinate" He says and passes me the cup.

Only then do I notice...

"Ok, what the fuck is that thing on your face". I groan as I now see the moustache in all its glory, "It's too early for this!"

He laughs, "It's more tamed than last time, you gotta admit that Ev".

"Yeah but I wasn't around to see it up close last time". I laugh.

"Well now you get the privilege of seeing the upgrade" He smirks.

Yeah, however I now have images of him and the stache between my legs and quickly drink my coffee.

The trailer door opens and Megan pops her head around. "Hey is Chris..." She trails off seeing Chris and me. "I hope I'm not interrupting".

"Wouldn't be the first time". I tell her sweetly and Chris shoots me a look. Oh she knows what I mean by that. "See you on set" I now say to him, knowing that she's summoning him to wardrobe.

As Chris heads out, Megan comes in and shuts the door. "Ever..."

"Yes?" I ask innocently.

"I want you to know that what I did...I did it for Chris and what I thought best..."

I turn, "And you thought it best to keep him in a relationship that was making him miserable and that he wanted out of?" I sigh, "Did you know that the baby wasn't his?"

"Not until he told me about what Jenny had said. I felt terrible, really..."

Did you? Because I'm pretty sure I came off worse out of this whole thing.

"At least you didn't have to be told that you were just a fling...oh wait, those words came from you". I now say and throw her a look.

"Because at the time I thought you were".

"Well you thought wrong. Anyway it doesn't matter now, I'm with someone and Chris will find that person who he can finally settle with - after all I know that's what he really wants, but do you?"

"I've known him years, of course it is". Megan fires back.

I shrug. "Best let him make his choices from now on, instead of putting words in his mouth". At which point I'm called to hair and make up. "Nice chatting with you". I say and head out to get ready.


"Don't you look all official and bitchy" Chris smirks as he comes onto set dressed in some rather fetching trousers and polo shirt.

This is Lloyd Hansen everyone.

"And don't you just look like you're about to throw some kids into the back of a van" I muse as he chuckles.

"Yeah well this guy's an asshole, even you know that, you've read the script"

I nod and we go in the location we're on. A chateau in France. "Is Dodger here?" I ask and Chris nods. "Ok, I need to have a cuddle once we're done today".

"With me or with Dodge?"

"Both if it's a long one" I chuckle, but inside I'm trying not to melt.


We don't have anymore time for chatting as we begin shooting a scene. I don't expect Chris to go off script and swipe everything off of the table, so my reaction is genuine enough for it to work and be kept in.

"Did Gosling tell you to go off script" I smirk.

"He did so when we shot something the other day, kept breaking me coz the line was different every time" He says while they reset.

We go and sit down and find a message on my phone. Missing you babe, hope filming goes well - see you in a few weeks xx

Miss you too, hope it's not too quiet without me there 😛

Relishing in the silence, heading to Cali in a couple of days to see dad and everyone x

Say Hi from me :) Wish I could be there x

I will babe, wish you were too x

"That Scott?" Chris asks as he studies his phone.

"Yeah, he's heading to see his dad and everyone in a couple of days".

"You met the family yet?"

I shake my head. "Not yet, although his dad's birthday is soon so it'll probably be then". I have to admit that I'm shitting myself at the thought of meeting Clint Eastwood. I'm dreading the time when it'll come to Scott meeting my parents as well. They'll still probably be disappointed in me even if I was to show up Johnny Depp on my arm. No matter the success, they still think that I could've done better in my life.

"My brother and mom coming to see me in a few days. I've gotta head into Paris to do some promotion for the opening of the Disneyland Marvel hotel.

"Very snazzy! Busy boy".

"I'm always busy" He chuckles.

He finished on Lightyear before this and that's due for release around the same time as this next year, so he's going to be very busy indeed.

"You fancy having dinner tonight? If you've not planned anything?"

"Other than sit in my hotel room and stab a salad I really don't wanna eat? I'll accept anything!" I grin. "Your room or mine?" and then I realise just how that sounded.

Thankfully he doesn't seem to notice. "Wanna come to mine? 1326, I think you're the floor above aren't you?"

"Sure, just give me a text once you're ready and I'll head down"

The Russo's now head over to speak to us and for now it's back to business until later when we can finally unwind.

Aftertaste - A Chris Evans StoryWhere stories live. Discover now