entry #9

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I was locked in the men's locker room.

We had P.E. class, so I went to take a shower and change clothes. The guys were done faster than usual, but I didn't think much of it as we all were kind of late to class. But when I'm finished, the door's already locked.

It was kind of scary. I mean, the sun was about to set and nobody seemed to be unlocking the door for me, not even the janitor. I panicked and started banging on the door, begging whoever to open the door, but the school seemed to be already empty.

I was starving. I missed lunch; missed my classes; and I can't go home. My parents will be pissed off. That's what scares me.

I'm a boy.

But I'm weak.

That was my thought.

Oh, remember the purple cross necklace a mysterious granny gave me some time back? I wore it earlier this day; I'm wearing it right now too.

When I was sobbing like a weak bitch that I am, the necklace somewhat gleam.

It gleams.

I stopped sobbing and took a closer look at the necklace. When my eyes laid on it, it gleamed even more. Shocked, I took it off and threw it across the room. My first thought was, shit, the necklace is cursed. Of course, it is, the granny's shady. Why did I even decide to wear it to school?

It was until something came out of the necklace.

Two tall girls, one wearing all blue, and one wearing all red, with identical hair and faces, appeared from the light the necklace somehow produced.

The girls have distinct expressions on their faces. The one wearing all blue has this friendly, somewhat motherly smile on her face. While the one wearing all red looks like a strict counselor about to lecture a student; the stern look on her face gave it off.

I was stunned. I didn't know how to react to such a scene. I didn't even understand what happened. Maybe they noticed I was looking, maybe my face looked dumb because they began to introduce themselves.

The girl in blue is Elinora, and the girl in red is Everette. While they were introducing themselves as The Spirits of Joettavine, I noticed they were wearing the same cross necklaces as the one I wore. But instead of purple, Elinora has the red one, and Everette has the blue one.

"Oh," Elinora exclaimed, "you're our new master!"

"He seems rather young to be a master of our kind. Perhaps... this is a mistake?" Everette winced. "Hey, where did you get our necklace from? Did you steal it?"

"No, Everette. I don't think he's able to do such an act. Don't you feel the fear and dread he's feeling?" Elinora asked.

The inquiry Elinora asked got Everette somewhat quiet. She began to pay closer attention to me and then nodded briefly. "Poor mortal. Suffering from agony and fear at such a young age."

"I'm sorry, but I don't quite understand what's going on. You being The Spirits of Joettavine don't explain how and why you came out of my necklace a shady granny gave me the other day," I interrupted.

"Huh," Elinora stepped forward, "a shady granny? Is her name Henrietta?"

To that question, I answered, I don't know.

Then, they began to explain that Joettavine means somewhat guardian angel. But with their own ability. They have one each, and nothing more. Elinora wouldn't have Everette's ability and vice versa.

When I asked what does that mean, they showed me by a wave of a hand; two visions of me interacting with Andrew and one when I came across the girl I'm attracted to (I don't know her name).

"You are attracted to this girl, and yet you have no courage to even talk to her. You are admirable, Aricho, for you have compassion for a lot of things but are afraid to show it to the world. I'm here to help you with that; with your feelings and emotion. I am Elinora, The Joetta of Motus," Elinora explained.

Everette then stepped forward, looking at the vision of Andrew beating me like a punching bag in a gym. "You have issues with this pompous monster of a mortal; the lack of courage and strength is what you suffer from. You are not weak, Aricho, for you're merely hiding. I'm here to help you with that; with your courage, strength, and desire. I am Everette, The Joetta of Forctis."

I didn't know what to say.

I didn't know how to react.

I just stood there, probably looking stupid, listening to what they were offering me:


The light source I never knew I needed.

"Please, take back your necklace and wear it all the time. When you need us, we will appear beside you. You need not call our names as we can hear your heart and your thoughts," said Elinora.

Without saying another word, Everette waved in the direction of the door. The door immediately swung open, resulting in a loud bang noise. When I turned around to see them again, they were already gone.

I have so many things to ask them.

So many questions yet to be answered.

What is Joetta?

Who is Henrietta?

Why is this happening?

Aricho O. Cowell

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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