Chapter 5

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disclaimer: I don't own Glee

"Kurt Jeff is that really you?" Kurt look confused while Jeff looked shocked because it has been over 11 years since they had seen Kurt's mom. "Aunt Elizabeth what are you doing here? Hurry and explain because we need to get back to school."
"I don't have to explain myself to you I can see my own son." "No you left him as a baby he doesn't really remember you."

Elizabeth looked shocked at what Jeff said.
"Come on Kurt we need to head back to school." "Jeff who was she and why did she look so much like me?" Jeff didn't know how to answer Kurt's question because he saw Carole as his mom. "Lets not worry about her until after school." "No now Jeff I want to know now." "You have to wait because I have to talk uncle Burt ."

Kurt sighed and started to follow Jeff when something else caught his eye and he stated to run in that direction. Once the others made it to the car Blaine notice that Kurt wasn't behind Jeff.

"Guys did you see where Kurt had gone?" Just as Blaine finished talking he heard Kurt crying. Neff and Blaine followed the sound of Kurt's cry's. "Kurt where are you?" They looked closer and saw him with Elizabeth and she was about to put Kurt in her car and for Kurt's part he wasn't going.

"I WANT MY BLAINE. Blaine Blaine Blaine." Kurt cried harder and then he saw Nick Jeff and Blaine coming. Kurt tried to get out of Elizabeth's grip but she held on tighter. "Blaine. Blaine help. Nick Jeff help." Nick Jeff and Blaine all ran towards Kurt. Once Kurt caught sight of them he started to fight harder.

They could tell Kurt was getting tired but was still trying to fight her. "Kurt you are strong just keep telling yourself that." Kurt looked over at Blaine and then looked over at Elizabeth and took the hand that was holding his and bit her.

Elizabeth looked over at Kurt shocked and dropped his hand and Kurt ran over to Jeff and Blaine.When they were about to get into Jeff's car they saw Burt and he didn't look happy.

"Why did I get a call saying that Kurt and Jeff skipped class?" Blaine looked over at the others and then down at his phone. "We were really only going to be here for the time of lunch but then." Before Blaine could finish explaining Elizabeth came up next to Burt.

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