Butterfly Kisses, Butterfly Bones: Chapter 1

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The White’s large, cream-washed house was very secluded away from the main street. It was hidden behind a large grove of coniferous and deciduous trees. To the casual observers the whole thing appeared to be nothing more then a patch of overgrown wilderness, unless they looked hard enough.

Thanks to the large trees, the front and side yards were cast into almost constant shadow, this was a blessing to me rather then a curse. The backyard, on the other hand was either cast in complete shadow, or glistening with sunlight, as it was now.

Ever since I was young, I had a strange aversion to sunlight; being fair skinned and light eyed had always caused me to burn easily when out in the sun for long periods of time. When in the sunlight, my eyes had the strangest reaction to it, changing from robin-blue to a misty, silver-grey.

I heard a soft whispering near my ear, as a hushed argument began to ensue. I slowly began to wake up from my brief nap. My aching body protested, as if it was more then content with the comfortable position I was in. I, on the other hand, sensed that the conversation was important.

My eyes wavered slightly under my closed eyelids, but I remained completely still. The sunbeams were bright against my shut eyes and they danced across my exposed and clothed skin, warming me, almost like a loving kiss.

I allowed my eyes to remain closed for a few moments longer. My body began to wrench itself quickly out of my silent, withdrawn sleep, quite reluctantly.

I allowed my eyes to remain closed for a few moments longer, trying to listen in on the argument that was going on, but having no luck. I began to take my bearing of my current whereabouts. I listened, straining my ears to encase they were to say something important they would no have wanted me to overhear.

Judging by the sweet smell of spring flowers, the chirping of little birds, and slight breeze that fluttered and kissed my skin, I was in the large backyard of my new home.

I was also lying, apparently, in the slightly swinging hammock, against a warm and welcoming body. I could hear his calm and deep breathing beside me and his quickly beating heart, the lullaby that had soothed me to sleep.

One warm, arm was wrapped around me, clutching me to my captor possessively. The other arm, I leaned my head against as he ran his fingers through my tangled hair.

“Poor girl, losing her mother and father all in one night, it’s just terrible.” Kenith’s voice whispered out from directly beside me, his voice hushed as he continued to affectionately run his fingers through my fine hair.

Some may find the strange relationship between my eldest cousins, Kenith, and I, very questionable, and I hardly would blame them. Most people would even frown to the attentions and over protectiveness that he gave me. And even more would say that it was extremely inappropriate for blood relatives.

Kenith and I are not blood related nor is he my step cousin. Much rather, Kenith was the son of a very close friend of my mother, whom had died several years before. My aunt, without even a second thought, welcomed him into her house with open arms, where he has remained ever since.

You see, his father had walked out on his mother when Kenith was no more then a year old, leaving him alone with only his eighteen year-old mother to care for him. This of course was devastating to her, and over a course of a few years she had become emotionally and physically weak. His mother was often in and out of the hospital during his childhood, and my parents and those of my cousins took turns taking him in during these times.

Since then, my aunt and uncle have become his legal guardians, and as his mother had never really been there for him, he referred to the two of them as his parents. A few years ago they had planned to adopt him, but he had insisted that he could not inconvenience them any longer. He had always felt like part of my family, though.

Butterfly Kisses, Butterfly Bones:PrologueΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα