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The Summer Fest has ended, all the snacks have been consumed, the bonfire is now embers, and, sadly, all the fireworks have been used. This can only mean one thing: someone has won some awesome prizes!

You've been waiting and waiting and the results are finally here!

Based on Prompts:

3rd place:
A Love-Bow Story by amazingparrots

2nd place:
Sunstorm by MusVanHelson

1st place:
Escaping Zeus by sapphosfriend34

Full Length:

3rd place:
His Chanda by hkoriginal

2nd place:
Becca's No Man Policy by reenie003

1st place:
The Wedding Effect by AOFunke

Grand Prize:

Stolen Heart by JSPRomComs

Thank you to everyone that entered and congratulations to all the winners! We thoroughly enjoyed reading all of these wonderful stories. Each and every one of you put a tremendous amount of time, effort, and creativity into your stories, and it paid off!

Prizes or notice of prizes will be awarded before July 31 with the exception of the Author Spotlight. Any author who won this prize will be told before July 31 when they will be featured, but the month of feature will be no sooner than September 2022. If any information needs to be changed or updated, or if you were missed during awarding, please send a DM to NewAdultReads.

Summer Fest & Writing ContestWhere stories live. Discover now