taking back what's mine

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Pov: ???

I woke up to a freshing day as the birds were chirping and the sun was waving

As i get ready for my clothes i placed them on my bed and take a shower

after i have finished taking my shower

Ive went out to buy freshly made fruits and veggies (it was on sale too!)

As i happily skidaddle back onto my home sweet home i rest the bags on the counter and...

Head to my sweet tanjirou.

I slowly open the door and the light is seeping through his adorable face

Though.. he seems to be knocked out cold..

I thought to myself (Oh?, Did the toy ive gave him already knocked him out?)

As i head slowly to tanjirou..

He tried to tackle me but got pulled back by the shackling chains around his neck

"Ah ah, no cant do tanjirou.. you already know that you're chained so why not be a good boy and.. sit tight. You dont want to get punished again right?"


"Y-YES!.." said by tanjirou


"Food will be ready in about 5 minutes so better be in good behaviour or il make you starve to near death."



I head back to the living room and open the lights inside the basement and head back to the kitchen..

Pov: Tanjirou

God.. my neck hurts..

(Its been..what now? I.. i can't really remember..)

(I..i dont even remember who i am.. i just want to get out of this place...)

i was then surpised to see the light and i quickly adjust my eyes abit to see more clearer..

"Ugh.. my eyes hurt..."

As i sit there i can only think of one thing..

"Please.. someone.. Get me out of here.."

"I don't wanna be here anymore.."

"I dont..wanna..be called.. a bad boy.."

As i shed some tears..

THAT man.. returns with a steaming bowl of ramen

I-i could smell that aroma..

"that sweet aroma..."

"Mhm.. smells delicious right?" Said by ???

My mouth was drooling with saliva as i see that bowl of plate..

As that man takes a step forward he sits right infront of me and places the bowl infront of him

As i tried to get the bowl, the shackles prevent me from going further..

"isnt it delicious..?" Said by ???

I respond with

"p-please.. let me have a taste.."

He responds

"Nooope. Not until you agree to what i demand.."

i respond


Ive beg and plead for him to give the bowl to me

He then continued to eat Infront of me

As my stomach rumbled

I began to shed tears

"You want a bite righht..?"

I yelled


"Then just accept my demands..~"

He said to me

I was thinking to myself

(What d-do i got to lose... Ive.. ive only gotta.. b-be.. his.. whats t-the harm in that..)

He said

"I dont have all the time.. if you dont respond im never coming back~"

I quietly said..

"I do.."

He responds

"Hmm..? Speak up~"


i said

"Good boy ❤️"

He then gave me the half eaten bowl of ramen and i ate it like it was the last day on earth..

As i finished eating..

He placed another collar on me while releasing the other collar on my neck..

The man then said

"now then.. I've placed an electronic shock collar on you.. so if you misbehaving or.. try to yell for help which i advise you not to that collar will zap you like crazy, understood?"

"Y-yeah i understood.."

"Okay then lets take a bath!"


In the bath:

???: The bathtub is now full of water so get in.

Tanjirou: o-okay..

???: Well then il be taking off my mask now.

Tanjirou: (i-il finally able to see his face!)

He then proceeded to take it off revealing
It to be..


Tanjirou: (He looks... Familiar..? I-i cant remember who but..)

Giyu: now then lets take a bath, il scrub your cute back.

After taking a bath zzzzz_________________


ive then proceeded to dry myself out and wear my clothing and make tanjirou wear a cute kimono..

"aww you look so adorable!"

Tanjirou replies with

"Y-you think so..?"

I reply with

"I know so, now come here and sit besides me and lets take a nap ❤️"

Tanjirou walks up to me and lays beside me. Ive later spoon him and hug him and smelling his hair..

(Finally.. at last.. you're mine..)

As i laugh and smile inside.. i slowly feel asleep as i hug tanjirou..


The other side...

POV: Muzan

"Tanjirou.. j-just where are you.. *sniff..*"

I break into tears...




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