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Name: Y/N

Last name: Fushiguro/Zenin

Age: 16

Curse Technique: "Soulbound" curse technique that grants the user the power to absorb and harness the essence of souls, curse spirits, and curse tools or items, allowing them to use these energies and abilities. It also grants the user the power to absorb the souls of others and harness their curse techniques. This ability allows them to become an amalgamation of various curses, each with unique abilities.

His curse Technique focuses on 2 things

Soul Siphon: He can absorb the souls of living beings, curses, and jujutsu sorcerers upon defeating them, capturing their essence. These absorbed souls can be harnessed to enhance the user's curse techniques.

Curse Arsenal Vault: He can possess a pocket dimension where they can store an array of curse tools, items, and artifacts. These items can be summoned at will during battle.

Domain Expansion:" Abyss of Torment" creates a nightmarish void filled with inky darkness, ethereal whispers, and countless floating objects- curse tools, souls, and curse spirits- engulfed by the endless blackness. It's a grotesque and surreal dimension filled with inky blackness, twisted souls, and tortured spirits, resembling a nightmarish battlefield.

Abilities with Domain Expansion

Soulbound Army: The absorbed souls and manipulated curse spirits within the domain become part of the user's nightmarish army. They can attack, haunt, and torment opponents relentlessly, overwhelming them with an unstoppable force.

Valhalla Resonance: A cruel and twisted version of Valhalla can be created within the user's soul. This realm houses the souls of the fallen, tormenting them endlessly and using their suffering to fuel the user's curse techniques.

Soulforged Arsenal: The user can manifest the curse techniques and abilities of the absorbed souls, curse spirits, and curse tools they've collected. This makes them an immensely versatile and formidable opponent with a vast array of powers at their disposal.

Curse Tool Arsenal: The user can retrieve and utilize any curse tool or item stored within their sanctum, enabling them to choose the most suitable tool for any given situation.

List of Curse Techniques in his inventory:

1.) Flash steps- This technique can create a shoe imprint (footstep) of cursed energy. As long as the footstep exists the user can teleport back to the footstep. The duration of the imprint depends on how much cursed energy is placed in it, and the user can create up to six steps at any given time. Users can also store energy in footsteps and detonate it.

Original Curse User: REDACTED 

2.) Infernal Incandescencec - is a potent curse technique that allows the user to generate and manipulate intense, scorching flames. The flames are cursed in nature, capable of incinerating curses, spirits, and humans with malevolent intent.

Original Curse User: REDACTED 

3.) Dusk Veil - is a unique curse technique that specializes in concealment and subtlety. Unlike many other curse techniques, it doesn't rely on overwhelming power or destructive abilities. Instead, it excels in staying hidden and manipulating the environment to its advantage.

Original Curse User: REDACTED 

4.) Sensory Augmentation - is a curse technique that enhances all of the user's senses, allowing them to perceive the world with extraordinary clarity and sensitivity.

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