Ch.4 Some type of Morning

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Today the usual quiet of the dawn is nonexistent the parents are up and the quiet is gone. The tv is blaring and dog is barking, news is rattling off like the crisis of the world is a competition. It's only 8 yet the peace is already broken. 

I feel so exhausted yet I've only just awoke and it's telling of a worse day ahead. Only 8:15 and my bones ache like i'm elderly not just an adult. Mornings are peaceful usually but my first morning home in three days and it's already heading in a direction worse than what I expected. 

I long for the usual quiet the peace I have of being left alone by the elderly adults I call parents. Yet they are awake and so am I so the work they put me to will be petty and teasing. They should of named me Cinderella at this point, if only I had a prince to long for. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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