Chapter 1. Peter

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Hello, all! Okay, so like every other Fanfic writer on here, I've written a little something at the beginning of my chapter to inform you of what you're getting into... basically, this is my slow, crappy Fanfic that I put together. It's an Avengers/Spider-man crossover with a lot planned for it. I hope you like it, though. Chapter one doesn't have much,but it's mostly my opening and introduction.


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"Ivy... Ivy! Ivy, wake up!"

At the sounds of the voice hissing loudly in her ear, Ivangelique Roth woke up with a jolt and a confused snort. She sat up in her seat, having just pulled her face off the desk in front of her and looked around for the source of the voice. As she looked around the classroom with that dazed, confused look, the sunlight from the window next to her stung her eyes, pulling her violently from sleep and into full consciousness. Finally, she she turned to her right and laid eyes on the boy in the seat neighboring her own. Her close friend, Peter Parker stared back at her with a concerned look and Ivy understood why. Ivangelique almost never fell asleep during class, in fact, the AP American History class that they sat in now was Ivy's favorite class of all. Ivy didn't excel at much, but AP American History was something she could really bang out without a problem. Of all the students at Midtown, Peter knew that. She watched as he moved his notebook toward her on his desk and read the words scrawled sloppily on the notebook paper.

"You okay?" was all it said. Ivy's cheeks reddened at his concern and she nodded slowly, reclaiming their eye contact once more. His concern for her well-being seemed to be quite genuine, which made Ivy's heart flutter. Only someone like Peter would feel worried just at her falling asleep in class. Of course, it was understandable why he was concerned. Ivy and Peter had become friends when they were children and Peter's parents had permanently left him for a stay with his aunt and uncle. Ivy's parents both had died in a horrible train accident on a trip in Paris when she was five and she'd gone to live with her Uncle Phil, whom lived in the brownstone next to his aunt and uncle. Ivangelique Roth and Peter Parker had been two of the only strange kids on their avenue, and they'd hit it off in their first week. Since then, they'd learnt everything possible about each other. Secrets between Peter and Ivy were uncommon. Ivy knew that Peter knew this wasn't the usual Ivy Roth. She decided to take a chance and mouth the words, "It was a late night."

This had been an obvious mistake on her part when their teacher paused his lecture at the front of the class on whatever subject they we're working on that day and took interest in the two of them. "Roth! Parker!" he barked, making the two of them jump and turn to look at him in unison. Ivy frowned when she saw the angered look on Mr Harring's face. "Since you two have such enthusiasm about the subject, you can contribute. Ivangelique, tell me a bit about the mystery of Croatoan."

Ivy felt a wave of relief wash over her and smiled. The mystery of Croatoan was something she knew a lot on from the fact that she loved the myths and stories on what happened in the colony, and had worked on a week before while she was tutoring Peter on the subject. She cleared her throat and projected to the entire room. "Croatoan is the word that the unexplained letters found in 1590 carved on a tree on Roanoke Island just off North Carolina by Governor John White when he returned to the colony from England and discovered his group of English colonists were gone. White took the letters to mean that the settlers had moved to Croatoan Island some 50 miles or so away, but no trace of them was ever found after the Croatoan tree was found by White," Ivy seemed to almost swell as she rattled off her facts and she felt a small twinge of pride when Harring looked nearly outraged. "Some say it was the Spanish. See, they knew that the Colony was going to be used for privateering, and wanted to destroy it. This was the time of the Anglo-Spanish War, after all... well, twelve years after the Croatoan incident and the disappearance of the Colony, Sir Walter Raleigh decided to investigate the disappearance, but once the weather became too unbearable he decided to head back to England with his crew. Raleigh was accused and killed for treason to the crown soon after and the investigation of the Lost Colony was dropped." As Ivy finished, she looked Harring right in the eye with a challenging stare. There was a small pause as the class looked from Ivy to their teacher. Everyone in Midtown knew how Harring was; he preferred his students squirming and nervous. By his standards, Ivy was too confident and knew what was going on.

Before anyone knew what was happening, Mr Harring turned on Peter and asked if he had any thing to add. He simply blinked and said, "I wouldn't know much, sir. I wasn't there."

Right as the class began to laugh at Peter's response, the class bell began to ring loudly and everyone stood and began packing their things off their desks. Mr Harring still looked furious with Peter's sassy response to his question. "Don't forget, your essay on three different Native American tribes is due to be on my desk by noontime tomorrow along with tonight's homework on the possibilities of what 'Croatoan' was," he announced to the class as he walked slowly back to his desk. Half of the class wasn't even paying attention to his words. He looked up from his papers as Ivy and Peter walked passed him and cleared his throat. "And Parker? Detention for backtalk and lack of studying."

The two of them were silent until they got to their lockers and Peter jerked his open violently with an uncharacteristicly harsh growl under his breath. Ivy turned to him as he took his precious camera out if his locker and shoved his books into their place. She shook her head ans sighed in disappointment as she watched him. When she opened her mouth to speak, Peter held up a finger and shook his head. "Don't say anything about it."

Ivy frowned and set her books into her locker and closed it before leaning against it. "Excuse me, Peter Benjamin Parker, you do not control what I do and do not say!" she retorted angrily. At the cunning use of his full name, Peter turned around and stared at Ivy. "And more importantly, you know all about the Croatoan! You know how much I wanted to solve the Croatoan mystery as a kid and we talked about it for two hours the other night, Pete! You could have talked about the Croatan tribe that was stationed not too far away from the colony! Or Virginia Dare!"

For a moment, Ivangelique and Peter seemed to only have a stand off with their eyes; Ivy's mint green ones burrowing deep into Peter's brown ones before he finally looked over her shoulder and got a look on his face that Ivy called "the Turtle syndrome." She knew who was walking the hall behind them before she even turned around, just by Peter's widened eyes and clenched muscles. He seemed to get his classic shy eyes and bit his lip as he looked down, almost like he was afraid to make eye contact with the girl walking up to Ivy. And just as she reached them, Ivy turned around with a wide smile. "Hey, Gwen," she said as the blond opened her mouth to get Ivy's attention.

"Oh... hi, Ivangelique," Gwen Stacey said as she approached the two of them, seeming surprised at Ivy's knowledge who was coming. But, with Peter's sudden turtleness, there could have been no other girl. She smiled once more and shifted the books in her arms. "I just wanted to see if you were coming to Debate Club today, the meeting starts in fifteen minutes."

Ivy shook her head and ignored Peter practically drooling down his chin at Gwen. "I'm sorry, I'm going to be at Stark Tower today. My internship that my uncle Phil got me starts today."

It wouldn't have been a mistake if someone had thought there was a small hint of pride in her voice. Ivangelique had grown up with her uncle Phil since she was five, but during that time he had become like a father to her. Of all the things Ivy loved, her Uncle Phil was the top of the list. Gwen looked slightly disappointed, but shrugged.

"We'll be sorry to miss you, Ivy. Oh well, then, bye," she said with a small wave of her hand before she turned and walked slowly back down the hall. But before she turned the corner at the end of the hall, she turned back to them and smiled. "And it was nice to see you, Peter."

Ivy turned to see Peter waving with the most awkward and dopey look she'd ever seen. He put Dumbo and Dopey to shame. "Y-yeah. Okay. You too."

Ivy rolled her eyes and turned back to her locker. It wasn't that she was crushing on Peter. That would be too clichéd and awkward for her tastes. Yeah, Peter was attractive in a strange, nerdy way, but Ivy saw him as more of an adorable older brother that she couldn't shake off. After all, with her Uncle's work, she often times even stayed over in the guest room when Aunt May promised to take good care of her. But she hated seeing him so awkward. And with the way he'd just treated her, she hated seeing him.

As she slammed the locker door closed, Ivy turned and looked at Peter. "Pathetic," was the last thing she said as she walked off to the exit.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2013 ⏰

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