My mom slapped me from the phone, "Stay humble little nigga!" I laughed and said, "Mom?!" I continued, "Hey Mom I wanted to ask you something?" 

It got silent and she said, "Of course honey what's up?" I took in a deep breath, "How'd you know it was the right time to tell Dad about your memory?" 

She said, "Uhm when he would bombard me every day with questions and guesses on what my secret was." I laughed, "Yeah but, you have a lot of friends mom, you told them all about you so when can I tell my friends about me?" 

My mom got silent, I'm assuming she was thinking, "Uhm, not only did I give you a good memory, but I gave you woman's intuition. You'll know when you trust them." 

I said, "Okay, thank you for the help, Mom." 

My dad said, "It sounds like you're about to hang up, I love you!" I said, "I love you to dad, next time don't miss a step." I stifled a laugh as he said, "Oh whatever." 

My mom said, "I love you pumpkin, I'll talk to you soon." I said, "I love you too, bye." 

The phone hung up and I walked out of the private caller room. Shadis said, "Go to bed L/N." He patted my head and I walked out. 

He always treated me meanly, but I think it's because I'm the strongest. He's like my mean aunt that sees the best in me. 

I went to go shower and then back to my room and Annie asked, "Where were you?" 

"I was talking to my parents." 

I smiled and got under the covers. 

Annie said, "Good night." I replied, "Good night." Once I fell asleep, I had a dream, but it wasn't a normal one, I was turning into a titan... I woke up in a sweat and looked around weirded out. 

People can't turn into Titans, that would be so bad. 

I walked out of my room after changing and heard grunting from the window. I was early, I mind as well go check it out. I went outside to see Armin practicing drills and things I taught him. 

He had sweat all over him and his shirt was off. I've never seen him without his shirt, he has abs! He always kept his shirt on when we trained together. 

I walked out and said, "Armin hey!" He turned around and blushed. He jumped and quickly put his shirt on. I said, "You wanna train? I have an hour before I have to go to class." 

He said, "That'll be great!" I picked up a sparring stick and Armin raised his. 

His face was all serious. He flung at me, and I dodged, I knew he was going to do that, he's always messy in the beginning and then he ties it all together in the end. 

He said while swinging, "H-How do you always know?" He put the stick down and looked up at me. "What's your secret?" I laughed nervously and thought, 

Woman's intuition... I trust him. 

"Armin, I'm going to tell you a secret." He nodded and I sat down on some old logs. 

"My mom always told me she remembered the day she was born; I think it's more metaphorical than literal. If it was literal, it would still make sense."

He replied, "Oh, that's your goal, to remember the day you were born." 

I said, "Yes, but... my mom also has a very great memory. She's known for it and was harassed for it, and hurt for it, my mom was seen as a freak. Uhm, that's why when I was born she knew I would end up getting it... like I do now... a-and she told me not to tell anyone." 

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