Yang Jungwon

15 1 0

"Who the hell are you?!"

"I'll tell you if you leave."

"Who does this little brat think he is?"

"Do you want me to get a teacher?"

I can see that he's scared. I feel bad that he was dragged into this and now he's probably gonna get hit because of me.

"Go to hell brat!!"

He swings again with the hand that isn't being restricted. The brave and handsome boy in front of me braces for the blow still blocking me from getting hit. No boy has ever done something like this for me. It would be rude if I let him get hit because of me since this is our first time meeting. I quickly push him onto the floor. So now it was just me and the asshole face to face.


He slaps me right across the face. Everyone is shocked, including the asshole that slapped me. But they're not shocked that he hit someone before first period even started. Or because a boy slapped a girl across her face in front of everyone , but because a random boy from the class next door slapped the famous Kang Nari.

I slowly turn to face him again. My face stings.

"Are you happy now?"
He looks at me like I'm crazy . Maybe I am.

"Crazy bitch."
He finally leaves.

I put out my hand waiting for the mysterious handsome boy to take it. I'm too embarrassed to look at him but when I finally managed to look him in the eyes I realized that he didn't look at me like I was crazy. He first looked confused but but then that confusion turned into concerned for me. He's so cute. After a long and awkward silence, he finally takes my hand. I pull him up. People are still gossiping and staring like it's their business.

I don't really know why but I suddenly got really uncomfortable in this situation. I know I should say something to him but I can't think of anything to say. A simple thank you would not be enough. But my thoughts were interrupted as he grabs my wrist pulling me out of the classroom away from everyone. It's almost like he could read my mind.   He took me to the stairs leading to the floor our classroom was on. We're alone.

Even though we reached our destination he's still holding my wrist.  He starts looking around to see if anyone was secretly following us.

"Are you okay?"
He says while turning to face me. As soon as he saw my face he looked panicked.

"Oh shit your cheek is so red. Let me take you to the nurse!"
He moves closer to me and puts his hand on my shoulder while moving my hair out of my face with his other hand examining my cheek.

He's so close. I can feel my cheeks getting hotter.

Our eyes met. His cheeks turned as red as mine as he pulled away embarrassed.

"Ahem sorry, I didn't realize how close I was."
He's avoiding eye contact with me. He's so cute.

"No it's okay. I didn't realize either."
Even though it was a lie that seemed to make him less embarrassed. He finally looked at me.

"Well you should get to the nurse before class starts."

"You're not going with me?"
He suddenly got flustered again.

"Oh uhh, if you want me to then sure. I will."
He smiles a shy but happy smile. He has the cutest smile ever. I love his dimple.

We make it to the nurses office.

"Oh my goodness you two are here so early."
Ms. Lee the nurse examines us looking us up and down.

"Yeah my cheek has been hurting."

"Oh, why is that?"

"She was sl-"

"I bumped into a door."
He looks at me with a confused look. I honestly don't know why I didn't tell her the real reason why we were there. I guess I just don't want to being more attention to the situation.

She gives me an ice pack and tells me I'm free to go back to class. He stayed with me the whole time too. He's a weird one. But he's still better than any other guy at this school in my opinion. We start walking back to class.

"I know I should have said this earlier, but thank you for everything. You really didn't have to get involved."

"Of course I did. I couldn't let you get hit just because you rejected someone. Especially because it was in front of our whole class too."

"Yeah, no one would have stood up for me like that. Thank you again."

"Don't thank me, I'm just glad you're okay."
He gives me a smile, I give him one back. I couldn't help but feel like I'm forgetting something but I can't remember what.

"By the way, uhh. Do you know my name?"
That's what I forgot. I can't believe I went this long without asking for his name!

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry I should have asked earlier!"

"Hahahaha! It's okayy."

"No it's not!! Please tell me."

"My name is Yang Jungwon. Nice to meet you."

-this chapter feels really long 💀 mb

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