Start from the beginning

And for some reason
'Dream alittle dream of me'

Was playing in the background.

Max went to go get the last chair and when she turned around she seen what I was seeing.

The Creels Stained glass door, with a rose on it.

It started to open slowly.
Me and Max both grab eachothers hand and Vecna says ,"You can't hide forever Max".

I look up at Max, worry is covering her face.

"We will be ok" I say ,"I'm not worried about me, I'm worried about you" Max replies.

"Don't worry about me babe" I whisper as she then thinks happy memories, I think of them to, I don't know if it'll do anything, but it's worth a shot.

But, Vecna is tempting with our happy memories, making them into one's of our friends, but I already knew those things would happen.
It's like deja vu.

I caj tell Vecna is saying something to Max but I don't know what, I can't hear him.

The clock chimes, Max opens her eyes as do I.

Dream a little dream of me, still playing bit now its warped and sounds awful, as its also slowed down.

Me and Max spin around a little, observing our surroundings.
We let go of eachothers hands, but by force.

"It's time" Vecna says from behind me and Max.

He pushes Max into a wall with his mind and turns to me, as I try to run to Max, he grabs my arm.

"You look like your mother " he said.
"What? I look nothing like mom, nor dad" I say confused.

"Ohhh you mean the Cunninghams" he laughs, its fucking awful.

"They're not your parents" he says and forces ne to sit down on a chair with his mind and he starts walking closer to me.

"You see, I your family.
You. Are. My. Blood" he says really close to my face.

I kick him in his nuts, well- that area, does he even have any?


He hunches over in pain dropping Max, and I run over to her.

"Y/n I do not approve of you taking my prisoner as your girlfriend, we can get you a new girlfriend, someone who isn't ginger" he says, I can tell he rolled his eyes.

"PISS OF YOU PIECE OF SHIT" I shout out at him.

He is right in front of me, he pushes me, and is qbout to kill Max, "NO!" I shout, but he is stopped and is pushed into the bleachers, breaking them.

I run to Max and hug her, "What the fuck just happened?" I gasp out of breath from worry

"I think i know who it was" she breathed out, also out of air.

Then a girl with hair on her head, but not long, if I'm making sense.

(You know what it looks like anyway)

"I Didn't Love You To Late" Max Mayfield x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now