The Wall

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I run outside the house and look around. But then I hear footsteps not far from here.  Its Will. I run to the castle byers to find Will sitting inside.
" Sorry" he said.
" its okay" I say. I sit beside him trying to keep him warm. Will starts coughing a lot.
" Are you okay Will " I say. He shakes his head. No. The air its toxic to him. He stood up. And looked down at me.
" we need to go back" he said
" No Will we are not. Your getting sick and we  need another plan. We need to find an opening to the normal world " I say.
" plus your plan  never worked " I say
" But its going to work this time" he said.
" No Will " I say.
" Fine then I will do it myself " he said walking out of the castle byers. I just sot and watch him walk out. I don't care. Its his fault if he dies.
Time skip
I decided to find a way out myself.  I don't need his help. Plus he made his decision.  I start to walk farther away from castle byers. I don't know how much time past. Wait.. I look at my arm where I wrote the map of this place. I look at it for a while then I notice.
" there that big place it has to have something" I said. I follow the map to a big building with  lots of windows.  I   walk closer to the building then I hear. People? Inside? I wanted to walk inside but then I heard  the monster. It's not far.
" Will? He might be in trouble....." I say
" wait he didn't want my help . Why should I care" I say. I start to imagine Will being attacked by the monster.
"Aghh" I say. Feeling always stop me from doing anything. My kindness took away my bravery. I start to remember when I killed a man who was not too far from the building. I remember that I never cared about being kind or my abilities. I start to run towards the noise.  While I was running I started to think how strange my name was. 022? I really need I real name. Is 022 my real name?
" I gotta have a real name. A nice name. " I say to myself while I run. Ava? Nah what about Sophia.... now thats a real name . I finally arrived to Wills house.  I slowly opened the door to see that Will wasn't there. I start to look around in the rooms. I hear the monster it's in wills moms room. Will never told me her name. I see the monster. Its looking for something.
" Will" I whispered. Will head pops up from behind the bed.
" Distraction " I whispered to myself. I start to look around for something helpful. I see a broom. I start to sneak towards the broom. I grabbed the broom.
" Not that good but it'll do" I whispered. I run in front of the monster.
" Hello monster. Want a meal? Cause it's right here" I say. My hand starts to shake rabidly. I stared down at it. The monster suddenly tried to jump on me but luckily I dogged it.  I landed on my butt. 
" ow" I said. I stand up ready to run but to see  will running up to the monster with a log. 
" Will don't do it. It is too strong" I say
" Then why don't you use your monster or your powers " he said
" Because......." I say but the monster smacked Will to the ground.
" Will!" I yell. I stand up and raise my hand. Using the force to push the monster into the tree.  I look to the ground  to see my hand shaking again. I try to stop it but it keeps shaking rapidly.
I suddenly start to breathe heavily. Why? Maybe ... its... because...I haven't...used .. my powers a long..time . The monster stands up and gets ready to attack. It jumps for me. I jump to the side but the monster s claws get to my leg. I land on a tree. Oh the pain. Everything starts turning dizzy. I stand up.
" you..... are...dead" I say. The monster jumps towards me.
" 022!" Will yells.
I look at it. Slimy and disgusting face if it even has one.  I pointed my hand at the monster. With the force the monster goes flying far away from us. I fall on to the  floor and then everything goes black.

   My eyes flutter open. Everything turns blurry. I blink a few times and then I can see everything. I look around. I look to see will looking at me . Smiling at him I say " it's actually Sophia". He looks at me confused. 
" I thought that you were dead" he says hugging me.
" Well brothers and sisters protect each other. That's a law" I say.
Will and I giggled a little. We both stand up and go inside the house
" can I show you something. It's how I talked to my mom" Will says
" here was were I  talked to my mom " he says pointing to a Wall.
" I don't see anything " I say.
We start to look around to find nothing. 
" hey Will I am sorry but I really think we should  find a way out of   here" I say.
" Fine I don't want you to get hurt like you did last time." He said. We started to walk out. The Wall? Maybe I wasn't looking hard enough.
" can I have a quick look inside. " I say.  I ran inside  I went to the wall that Will showed me. I  pressed my ear on the wall. I hear voices. Two people.  A man and woman?
" Sophia are you done" Will yells from outside.
" yeah coming" I yell. I ran outside too meet up with Will.

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