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"Ugh, stupid alarm clock" Yuu mumbles to herself as she clicks the off button of her alarm clock and gets up.

Yuu would get up very early at 5:00am, her normal routine was to brush her teeth, go out to jog, take a shower, and go to work. Yuu works at a certain cafe which is popular in town. A few minutes pass and Yuu finally finishes getting ready and now going to work,

Yuu exits the apartment building and went straight to the train station which was very not far from there, after Yuu got in the train she got a notification on her phone which was a text message from her boss

Fujiwara-san: hello Koito-san, a woman named Touko Nanami is part of the theatrical troupe from the theatre close by, she insists on being a regular costumer here so I want you to be at her service, will I be able to count
on that?

Koito Yuu: yes sir, you can count on me, I'll make sure that she'll be having a great time!

Fujiwara-san: thank you Koito-san, 😊

Yuu reads the last message from her boss as she turns off her phone and puts it in her bag.

As the train arrives to its destination, Yuu quickly walked out the train and accidentally bumped into someone, "Ah! I'm so sorry!" Yuu quickly apologised and looks at the person she bumped into, the person was a girl, she had long black hair, gray eyes, and a brown coat, "It's fine don't worry about it" the girl replied, "thank you, I have to go now, I'm sorry again for the trouble" Yuu said as she waves and walks away.

As Yuu finally gets to the cafe, she noticed that not many people are here as usual, 'oh well, atleast it's not that loud here as usual' Yuu thought to herself as she puts on her black apron on,

One hour passes by and all that's happened is just serving costumers like usual and just reading a bit of Shakespeare books, until a certain person opens the door and proceeds to make their way to the counter,

It was the same girl that Yuu had bumped into earlier, "may I please have a brewed coffee and a  waffle with a bit of chocolate syrup on them?" The girl replied as she sits on the chair at the main counter, "sure, anything else?" Yuu asked, "No that would be all" the girl smiled softly,

A few minutes pass and Yuu comes back to the girl and serves her the food, "Hey.. your that girl that bumped into me earlier" the girl said as she looks at Yuu, "Oh uh yes that was me, I'm really sorry I was just in a hurry" Yuu replied and apologies, "I told you it's no big deal remember?" The taller girl said in a playful tone, "Also I haven't gotten your name, may I know what it is?" The taller girl asks, "my names Koito Yuu" Yuu said with a warming smile, "that's a beautiful name" the raven haired girl said, "I'm Nanami Touko" Touko says with a smile, "Nanami Touko... from the theatrical troupe?" Yuu asks, "Yes actually, how do you know?" Touko asks, "Oh my boss said that you insisted on being a regular costumer here, and that's how I just knew" Yuu answers, "Ohh I see, well then since we're kind of friends now, would you like to hang out sometime?" Touko says with an hopeful face, "Of course!" Yuu said happily as she watches Touko get ready to leave, "wait! Don't you need my number?" Yuu yelled loud enough for Touko to hear, Touko just grinned playfully and exits the cafe, Yuu was very confused as she noticed that she was holding a tiny piece of paper on the right hand, she opens the folded paper and sees a note that says "call me :)" with Touko's litteral phone number, Yuu laughs to herself, 'this girl-' she thoughts and continues to bring the used mug and plates to the kitchen area.

After almost 8 hours Yuu's shift is finally done. It was 4:46pm, normally at exactly 4:40pm Yuu would go to the changing room to get changed to her casual wearing which takes her 6 minutes,

As Yuu exits the cafe she didn't wanna go home yet, but she didn't know what to do, she types Touko's phone number on her phone and calls her, the phone was ringing meaning Touko is active right now, "hello?" Touko says on the phone, "Hey its me Yuu, are you free right now?" Yuu asks, "Oh Yuu!, Yes I'm free right now!" Touko said excitedly, "Well I don't really wanna go home yet but I don't know what to do also so I wanted to ask you if you wanted to hang out or something" Yuu explained, "uhhhh... How about we watch the sunset together?" Touko says happily, "Sure but where?" Yuu asks again, "I know a quiet place nearby, the view is also nice there" Touko says, "Sure then, I'll meet you at the park" Yuu says "Alright! Bye Yuu!" Touko said before the call ended.

Yuu walks to the park and sits on a nearby bench waiting for her friend, she checks the time on her phone which was 5:09pm. She sighs and closes her eyes to relax for a bit, after 5 minutes pass she felt someone poke her cheek, she quickly opened her eyes and turned to her left to see Touko with a cheeky smile, "Your cheeks looked squishy" Touko teased, "You made me jump" Yuu said, "Sorry" Touko said with a nervous laugh, "let's go?" As the taller girl offers a hand to Yuu, "yea sure." The shorter girl said as she holds her friend's hand as they walk.

"Here we are!!" Touko said excitedly. they were on a hill, high enough to see the sunset and they were standing under a sakura tree, "It's so beautiful here" Yuu says as she admires the area,

they sit down and watched the sunset together, this was going to be an unforgettable day for the Two.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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