006 - The Body

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"Good job 013

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"Good job 013." The old man smiles at her. Now try this. The man puts an empty coke can on the table. She stretches her hand out and crushes the can. "Amazing." The man looks at her then taking notes in his notepad.


Alex then wakes up. She replays the dream in her head. The old man, again. She keeps having these dreams. Ever since Will went missing, ever since they found El.

Alex couldn't stop thinking about Will. Was he really dead?

She then came up with an idea. She's gonna try and find Will, with her powers. She closes her eyes and focuses on Will. Will and only Will. After a minute or two the girl was in a void. She walks around the void trying to look for any sign of the boy. She then spots something far away.

"Alex, do you copy?" She heard Mike on her intercom causing her to loose focus and open her eyes.

"Yeah." She sighs. "I copy."

"Good. Okay." She hears Mike.

"Listen Mike im not in the mood now, alright? Over and out."

"No. No, no, no! Not out. Alex please im not messing around, this is about Will. Over."

"What about Will? You mean about his funeral? Over."

"No, not his funeral. Screw his funeral!" Mike says.


"Just get over here as fast as you can okay? Over."

"Sure... over and out." Alex sighs and drops her intercom. She heads to the bathroom to brush her teeth and leaves her hair down. She then walks over to her closet and puts on the first sweater she finds, her high waisted blue jeans, and her white Chuck Taylor's.

Alex, Dustin and Lucas gathered over at Mike's place. El was now using her powers on Mike's intercom. They hear some scared voice on it.

"We keep loosing signal, but you heard it, right?" Mike asks the three.

"Yeah, i heard a baby." Lucas scoffs.


"Mike, you obviously tapped into a baby monitor." Lucas rolls his eyes. "Its probably the Blackburn's next door.

"Uh, did that sound like a baby to you?" Mike looks at Lucas. "That was Will!"


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