30. nothing can stop its narrative

Start from the beginning

Valerie came to the conclusion that keeping her days eventful all dayeveryday was exactly what she needed in a time like this. That way, not only would she be able put on a good act in front of everyone, but she'd have little to no time to drown in her sorrow. It was just easier that way, so she intended to keep her calendar full, and right now, she was fulfilling that intention.

It was that time of year, the time that the basketball players of Hawkins High had been preparing for almost every day for six entire months. The annual basketball tournament.

Valerie's never been one to show interest in sports. But considering who she was, she was practically mandated to show up to any and every big event that the people cared about. Even though she was no longer in high school, Robin had given her, Selina, and Steve tickets to watch her play in band. Plus, Lucas would be playing, which was another reason to go. So, Valerie agreed, along with Selina, which Valerie found incredibly weird because Selina was the last person to agree to attend a sports event. . And this now brings us to the current life status of Selina Pierce.

Let's say we're back in March of 1985, a little before the Mind Flayer and evil Russians appeared.. and, well, also before she knew who Robin was. If you were to interrogate her about her love life in that time period, she'd lie straight to your face, saying that there wasn't a status on her love life because she wasn't interested in having a love life to begin with. But, truthfully, she knew that Valerie was the first and only person to come to mind. Now, if we were to fast-forward to where we are now, her answers would have a pretty significant difference because of a certain someone.

Although Selina's feelings for Valerie didn't completely obliterate from existence, her face no longer heated up once her and Valerie made direct eye contact, which was something new. To add onto that, in the past year, her feelings for Robin had intensified tremendously, for two reasons to be exact.

Reason one: The three girls had spent most of their time together over the Fall and Winter. However, when the three blondes weren't hanging out all together, the chances were that Robin and Selina were still tied to the hip, whilst Valerie was off finding some place to occupy her time (and yes.. occasionally, that place would involve Steve).

Reason two: In October of last year, three months after the catastrophe at Starcourt, something completely unexpected and sudden occurred. Remember all that talk awhile ago about Selina's number one secret? How she felt as if something was wrong with her because of it? Well, although it wasn't Selina's secret that came out. . It was Robin's. It's a long story, and one that'd be best to share at a different time, not quite yet (bummer, I know! You'll find out sooner or later, though). But now that Selina had the green light to allow herself to admit that she felt something for Robin, it only made her fall for the blonde even more.

Anyway, my point is, Selina's love life could be displayed on a pie chart.

Robin - 85%
Valerie - 15%

With Robin taking the lead by an entire 70 percent, I think it's clear how much Selina's feelings have changed. But pie charts are destined to adjust over time. God, why did love have to be so complex?

Now that y'all have the almost full summary of the months that took place between Fall of 1985 and Spring of 1986, I think we're ready to move on to our current situation: the afternoon of the basketball tournament.
"Damn it, Selina." Valerie huffed, rushing up the stairs and to the blonde who was causing the two to run late, once again.

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