Chapter 2

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The next day, Jack awoke with the worst headache of his life.

"Ohhhhh, this is horrible!" he thought. "I can't even move it hurts so much." Just then, Lucy knocked on the door.

"Jack, are you up honey?" she called.

"Yes. Barely..." he called through the closed door.

She walked in and saw him lying on the bed. The covers were not entirely covering his body and she could see that he was wearing boxers and nothing else. Fighting her overpowering desire to look, she quickly turned away. Jack noticed the abrupt turn of her head and Lucy's blushing cheeks.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

"Oh, not good at all Lucy," he replied, stretching his arms above his head and yawning.

"Well, it was quite a night wasn't it? All that eating and drinking, dancing and laughing..." Lucy paused. "I felt really close to you last night. Thank you for trusting me."

Jack panicked. What had he said? "Ummm, about what Lucy? I guess I was a little drunk last night."

"You mean, you don't you remember?" she said.

Lucy explained to Jack what he had said to her, but purposefully left out the part about his fantasies. She figured she could do more without his knowledge. Even though he didn't remember, she had no intention of ever forgetting.


Days turned into weeks since the marriage. Community College let out ending Jack's freshman year and he came home that evening as always, but with the whole summer vacation ahead of him.

Jack's dad always went away on a door-to-door sales campaign for the insurance business he worked at, during the months of June and July. That meant lazy days laying out by the pool and taking it easy. Summer was a great time.

This was also the year he would receive his driver's license. Lucy had made him a deal that she would help him buy a car if he promised to help her around the house. However, Lucy's idea of helping was much different then what Jack had in mind...

After Jack's dad left, Lucy broke down the chores of the house for her. She made it easy. Jack had to do nothing. He could do whatever he wanted, and that sure sounded good to him. This was the time for Lucy to start her long-range plans. She knew it would take years to complete, but she could get the ball rolling now.

The first week of vacation, Lucy asked Jack what his favorite snacks were. He confided that he loved--absolutely loved--chocolate ice-cream malts, but only had them on rare occasions.

"Hmmm," she thought. "There must be a way to exploit that."

Lucy decided to visit Michelle, a pharmacist friend that she knew from university - a woman with a bit of a dark streak. After beating around the bush, she finally got up the nerve and talked to her about what she wanted to do with her little Jack. To her surprise, Michelle loved the idea and told her to come back tomorrow.

Lucy got to the pharmacy early the next morning and her friend let her in the back door.

"There is your answer Lucy," Michelle said, pulling a small medicine bottle out of her own ample cleavage. "There is your wonder pill."

Lucy's hands were shaking and her panties were wet as she took the bottle from her friend.

"It's called Amaplatix," Michelle explained. "It's used to help Anorexia patients increase their appetite, but it has a wonderful side-effect that will help you as well."

"What's that?" Lucy said eagerly, her mind racing with anticipation.

"It makes the patient feel drowsy and fatigued," Michelle continued, "so it really shouldn't be prescribed for more then two weeks at a time." Michelle hesitated, and then gave her friend a knowing wink...

"HOWEVER, I think you've got a special case on your hands."

Lucy had a wide grin on her face as she left Michelle's drugstore. She knew her fantasies were about to come true.
She was so excited she had to pause for 20mins to quietly finger herself to orgasm in the parking lot, before she could calm down enough to drive home.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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