Chapitre 1

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 cold, it's always cold yet it's hot at the same dear and lovely brother why do i want to stay close to her ? is it my punishement for being a blade that have let blood cover the ground or a blessing for being loyal ? i do not know...i feel free by her side and i want it to stay that way but...i want her to be all mine perhaps...the heron won't mind if i trap it in my arm forever right...?

she woke up gasping for air for some reason it felt like she was drowing... 'a heron ? trap it ? what does this dream refer too ?' she gulp and noticed that her mask was on her desk next to a pile of documents and a picture of them she sigh and noticed the walls were covered by the abyss she smiled at the sight after all the abyss was there new home for aether, there adopted youngeur sibling and her after all it was impure yet pure at the same time unperfect with as many flaws as them yet it gave them strenght and warmth

lumine stand up from her bed and walk over her wardrobe changing into her usual black and white tuxedo with faint strip of dark blue on it she put on her black gloves one along with her combats boots she then walk to her desk and smile at the photo it was her, her brother and paimon they took it as a reminder that from this date paimon will always be with them no matter what happend to the worlds

she took to her mask a piece was add to act like a single and never falling tear not that she minded the terrible truth of her never ending bleeding of there soul she took it and put it on she sigh once she hear rapid knock on her door she slowly grab her coat and sword putting them on letting whoever at the door wait with the single thouth that perhaps she wasn't home but they never stop and actually became louder

she groan and walk to the door opening it to meet with the 12 of the fatui harbringer tartaglia she groan louder and turn back to see men on his sides "now what do you want ?" He smile brightly at her and she cringe she noticed he took out something 'a...delusion ?' she looked at him further confused

he laugh at her confusion "for you since you Can use élément without a vision and it will help in fighting your enemy too Dotore create one especialy for you too !" she look at it and noticed a symbole she smiled softly at in 'the abyss' i muffled a laugh and took it "so while i use a 'light' element i'll be able to also use the abyss element while you guys know perfectly that i don't need it as i can use all element at the same time ?" i noticed he started sweating now undersatnding how dumb it must be heard i took it from his hand "but it could be usefull to watch as they see a delusion of an unknow elements" he smile at me

Lumine's POV

i was about to leave when he called me again "lumine...i know you can be busy and by a lot but teucer was hoping you could eat at our home today that is if you want to" i look at him suprise i notice teucer not too far waving at me i wave back "first off let's get back to work we'll talk about that later" he nod and we both left to go to the palace once we arrived i saw sandrome with her robot carrying her i nod at her and goes on i notice a paper at my desk and pulled toward me reading it in my head i felt eyes on me "ajax don't you have your own work to do ?" i noticed him from the corner of my eyes that he pulled a chair "suprisingly nah...but i want to talk about something and to be honest i'm quite angry...of course not at you or the other...okay maybe a bit at the knave except for that but...i'm angry at scaramouche..." i turn to see his face turning into a frown i fully turn to him and lean against my desk "i do have to admit he's putting problem for some of my man who were send in inazuma to create a guard post for the abyss mages and monster to arrive to safety before training" he turn to me frowning a bit more

i sigh and noticed the anger in his eyes i push myself up and walk over to the shelfe i took two glasses out "tell me are in age to drink ?" he looked suprise but nod i pour one glass for me and for him half it was dandelion wine send by one of our team member for my birthday i give him his glass and start to drink mine "i don't know if you have alcohol resistance and i won't take the risk for you to work being drunk..." he nod and took little sip of his own glass he started to cought a bit before looking back at me he started to speak once again "anywho how are going your mission except for you know who" i look up and put my drink down on the side of my desk "having to go with newbies to teach 'em the rythm of the dance, killing little bitch that try to be tought with me and come back with a mission done what always happens you know" he laugh a bit and put his drink down on the table nearby he stand up and walk toward the door "why don't you let me handle the newbies next time for a change ? i'll teach em respect my way !" i stare at him as he stared at me with a smirk 'it could give me enought time to contact my brother and talk with them' i turn to my desk and grab a medium size pile while sighing "very well i had to do it early today but you'll handle them since you don't have anything else to do somehow" he walk over to me and take them as he leave someone i wasn't happy seeing came inside "pierro ! how you doing old man ?" he stared at me for some minute before speaking in a serious tone that made me serious "the tsaritsa need you for a mission" i frown and stare at him "do you kow the emplacement ?" he looked upset for a few second and said something that send my blood on overdrive "inazuma"

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