"Oh thank the gods." Isona mutters. They walk over and noticed a group behind Vex.    

"Wait,what's this crowd?" Vax asked. Isona noticed the group was the rebels that was supposed to wait outside.

"Picked it up along the way." Vex answers as they walk past her. "Why are you covered in piss?"

"Picked it up along the way." Vax repeated. They climb the stairs to the second floor. They walked the halls,looking into the cells. Percy suddenly gasps,running to cell.

"Archie. Archibald!" Isona peeks in and sees a beaten Archie sitting in the cell.

"Percy?" Archie says weakly.

"Vax,get him out of there." Vax nods,takes a deep breath and picks the lock in a few seconds.

"Did you see that? I'm telling you that back door was cursed." Vax complains as Percy enters the cell.

"It's okay,darling." Isona says,patting Vax's head. Vax stands,towering over her as he glares at her. Percy then walks out,supporting Archie.

"Alright,we're getting out of here together." Vex says. Sudden laughter makes the group turn. They see a short general,Stonefell,approach them,dropping his giant hammer on the ground.

"I'll give you this girly. You'll at least die together." They hear muffled grunting. They see Scanlan being held by guards behind Stonefell.

"Throw down your arms,return to your cells,and maybe I'll let you live." Stonefell says,pointing at them with his hammer. The group all glance at each other.

"Kill the gnome." Stonefell orders.

"No,no,no. I'm too handsome to die." Scanlan whimpers. Someone clears his throat,everyone turn to see another Scanlan. 

"What does a man gotta do to get some action around here?" He asks.

"Scanlan?" Keyleth asked,confused. The guard slashes the other Scanlan,making him disappear in a puff of purple magic. The real Scanlan runs away.

"Don't just stand there. Get him!" Stonefell orders. Several guards run after him. A rebel woman suddenly surged forward and stabbed a guard.

"For Whitestone!" At those words everyone charges forward,the prison filled with sounds of yelling and weapons clashing. Two guards charge for Percy and Archie. Vax knocks one down and stabs him,Isona trips the other and stabs him.

"Go on. Get him out of here." Vax tells Percy. 

Isona see the rebels getting cut down. Isona frowns,rushing forward and stabbing a guard that just killed a rebel in the back. As soon as the body falls to the ground,another guard rushes at Isona and pushes her into the wall,the impact making her yelp and drop her sword. He thrusts his spear at her,she quickly rolls out of the way,unfortunately moving further away from her sword. They stare at each other,a plan forms in Isona's mind. The guard runs at her,she steps out of the way and runs up the wall,using the leverage to be able to jump onto the taller guards back. She makes him fall backwards,her arms tighten around his neck,then twisting,the sound of his neck breaking resonates. Panting,she stands up and grabs her swords. She notices Vax standing near her.

"That's my girl." He says and they both run off to find Percy. Vex joins them as they spot Percy.

"Fun's over. Where's our exit?" Isona asks.

"Not this way. There are guards everywhere." 

"Percy,let me go." Archie speaks up and starts to walk away.

"What are you doing?" Percy questions him.

"Just like the old days,creating a diversion while you get away." Archie says,grabbing a sword from a body and starts attacking a group of guards. The group meets up with Grog and Scanlan. They run for the exit,not noticing Percy stopping. Archie knocks over two guards,making them open the doors that lead outside.

"As promised,your exit." He says to Vex.

"How chivalrous." She responds. Isona looks at the group,the few remaining rebels and Vox Machina,minus one.

"Wait,where's Percy?" Scanlan asks. They look around,Isona sees a flash of his coat running around a corner.

"Percy,wait!" Archie calls after him and runs after him. 

"We'll get him." Vax says as he and Isona run after them. They run down the hallways,Isona could hear the familiar sounds of Percy's pepperbox. She turns the corner,Vax not far behind her,and sees Percy standing over the body of Stonefell.

"Percy!" She says as she skids to a stop next to him. Percy whips around,pointing his gun at Isona,making her let out a small gasp. Vax pulls her back and knocks Percy's gun away.

"What the fuck are you doing? Running off,risking this entire mission. Then you point that thing at Isona. And for what?" Isona puts her hand of Vax's shoulder.

"Vax,it's okay-"

"For what?" Percy interrupts her. "Stonefell helped slaughter them and laughed while it happened." Percy gets a crazed look as he keeps stepping towards the couple,making them step back. "I am the sole surviving de Rolo. I will have my vengeance and no one will stand in my way!" Isona moves her hand from Vax's shoulder to his hand.

"But Percy." Archie says,snapping Percy attention to him. "You are not the last de Rolo."


"Your sister,Cassandra,she lives." Percy looks at him in shock.

"Oi,sorry we're late." Isona yells as they run back to the other.

"Grog,toss the booze." Vex yells to him.

"But I just got it." Grog whines,holding the barrel closer to his chest.

"Do it!" With a deep breath,Grog throw the barrel. Vex shoots a fire arrow at it,causing an explosion. The group runs,leaving the burning building behind them.           

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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