"How's it handle?" Nancy asked Steve.

"Not half bad. Considering this is a... house."

Nancy nodded and laughed.

"Yeah it's... it's silly, but I... I've actually... I always had this dream that I'd have this really really big family. Im talking like, uh, a full brood of Harringtons."

"I don't wanna be an aunt to all those children." Mira said in the back.

"Okay. Well, of course you don't. Anyways... like five, six kids.."


"Yeah. Six little nuggets. Three girls, three boys, and... and every summer I figured all of us Harringtons, including Mira I guess, we would pack into something like this, and... just see the country. You know the Rockies, Grand Canyon, maybe Yellowstone. End up in some beachside town in California. Spend a week parked in the sand."

He paused.

"Learn how to surf or something."

"That sounds nice."



"Well uh, except for the six kid part. That sounds like a total nightmare."

"If only I had some practice." He looked back.

"All right. Fair. That's fair, But I think your sister is better in the babysitting department."

"Probably." He laughed.

"So.. uh..." Eddie started, trying to start some sort of conversation with Mira.


"Are you okay? You kinda scared me." He laughed.

"I'm fine. Just... I dunno.."

"You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"I'm... scared. And I know that isn't like me or whate-"

"Hey, hey, it's okay. Everyone gets scared sometimes. Especially me, I act all tough but as soon as someone picks a fight I just run. You've gone through a lot these last few days, and your feelings are... valid? I think that's the word. Yeah.." he laughed.

She laughed with him.

"Thanks Ed's." She put her head on his chest and they both laid sideways.

"Anytime, sweetheart. I'm here for you."

Lucas looked back and saw Max staring out the window.


She took off her headphones.

"So I've been thinking, two of the three of vecnas victimes were seeing ms. Kelley, right?"


"Okay. So I figure there's a good change Vecna cursed another one of her students. We go back to her officer. We read all her files. Look for mentions of headaches, nosebleeds, nightmares. We identify his-"


"Most likely next victim. We stake out his house—"

"Lucas, stop. We don't have time for any of that Okay? And even if we did, even if your plan did work, we'd be putting a total stranger at risk. A stranger who has no idea what they're up against. I do. He uses my memories against me. But only my darkest memories. Same with Chrissy and Fred, right?"


"It's like he only sees the darkness in us. So, I'll just run in the opposite direction. Run to the light. And maybe he won't be able to find me there."

The freaks- Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now