Chapter 10

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Robin went over to the computer quickly, sitting down and typing something.

"What are you doing?" Max and Mira asked at the same time.

"Maybe we don't need a last name." She typed on the computer and Steve came over to see what the hell she meant.

A bunch of people with the name Rick showed up.

"Twelve Ricks have accounts here."

"That's a  Lot of Ricks." Max said.

"So let's narrow it down."

"Rick Alderman's latest rentals are Annie and Dumbo. Chances our drug dealer has a family?"

"Probably not. But damn, I love Annie." Mira said, smiling slightly.

"All right. Rick Conroy. Sixteen candles, Teen wolf, Romancing the stone."

"Probably not, but Holy shit I love this guy. I kinda wanna be friends with him because I LOVE teen wolf, and like Micheal J Fox is just-" Mira started before Dustin interrupted her.

"Okay! We get it, he's hot, can we move on now?" Dustin sighed.

"Okay then.. Rick Joiner. Mask, Footloose, and Grease-"

"Nope, but you know I FUCKING LOVE FOOTLOOSE." Mira said, practically squealing.

They all sighed at the girl, growing annoyed.

"I do too." Robin said and then continued.

"Rick Kimbrough. The blue Lagoon and Splash."

"Definitely not." They all said.

"Okay. Rick Lipton. Fast times at Ridgemont High. Cheechs and Chong's next Movie, Cheech and Chong's nice Dreams, Cheech and Chong's up in smoke."

"Oh yeah, for sure. This guy really loves Cheech and Chong's I guess."

"Lipton? Spelled like the tea. 2121 Holland Road."

"Thats out by lovers lake." Dustin pointed out.

"I fucking love lovers lake-"

"Shut up, Mira!" Steve groaned making the girl wipe a fake tear and pout.

"Middle of nowhere." Robin said after staring at Mira and Steve, waiting until they were done

They all left, going in Steve's car.

"Wait, if any of you fuckers mess up this car you are dead." He said, specifically staring at Mira who just sighed and nodded.


Meanwhile, Nancy tried knocking on all the trailers, but none of them wanted to seem to answer her.

After yet another unsuccessful attempt, her and Fred walked around before Nancy spotted a guy on the benches.


Wayne looked at her, then went back to smoking and ignored her.

"Uh, I'm a friend of Max Mayfields over there. You're Wayne Munson, aren't you? Eddies Uncle?"

"That's right."

"I heard you found the body. The neighbors they were-"

"Like to gossip. And I'm not interested in gossiping no more. Certainly not to a reporter."

"What gave me away?" She went over and sat next to him.

"Look, let me level with you, Mr.Munson. The paper that I write for is... small. We don't have the staff to keep up with the big guys. And I'm just... looking for something. Anything really about what happened last night."

"Why? Far as I can tell you all have it figured out already." He now turned to look at her.

"My nephews a freak. He killed that girl. Ain't that about right?"

"Let me guess. You've been speaking to the Hawkins post? Chuck Bailey?"

He didn't respond and just continued to smoke.

"Yeah, I used to work with him. I mean that guy doesn't know his ass from his elbow. Let me tell your side of the story."

He looked to her, thinking about it.

Meanwhile Fred heard a clock chime again, this certainly hadn't been the first time either.

"My nephew, he may look dangerous, but he didn't do this. He's always going to the music store to see this one girl, he's obsessed. He jumps on his bed like a little girl when he thinks about her"

He paused for a moment and chuckled to himself.

"Hell, he always rants about her to me. It's annoying. It's just.... Ain't in his nature. No matter what anyone else says... this... this wasn't Eddie. The man who did this...who killed that poor girl, he's... pure evil."

"Man? You think you know who might've done this?"

"You ever hear the name Victor Creel?"

Nancy had indeed, Mira is obsessed about things like that, true crime that is. Anything paranormal, or anything of the sort, she loves. She usually just rants about it without even noticing and has a bunch of "The Weekly Watcher" newspapers in her desk.

"Yea.. but from my friend, I wasn't really paying attention."

"Hm.. Back when I was a kid, everybody knew the name Victor Creel. He lost his mind. Killed his whole family. Kids and wife. Took their eyes. Cut 'em right out."

He was a little shocked that someone that wasn't old knew Victor Creel, must be some type of friend.


Fred kept walking into the woods, looking for where he clock noises came from.

"That poor girl I found this morning, same exact thing. So I'm thinking maybe he broke out."

"Victor Creel is still alive?"

"They locked him away I'm Pennhurst Asylum. Yeah, as far as I know, he's still there. That is, unless he broke out. Like that... what's his name? White mask and killed the babysitters?"

"Micheal Myers?"

If Mira was here she would be going on and on about her theories, and Wayne would probably look at her like she's insane. And how she found Micheal hot, he would be concerned.

Fred found the clock and stood close to it, observing it.

"Yeah, Micheal Myers. You ask me victors like that. He's a real boogeyman."

Nancy heard a dog barking and looked over to where Fred was supposed to be, but he was gone.

"Um, I'll be right back."

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