chapter 9: why so cold..

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Jason: what are you doing here!!

Kyro: you were screaming we all heard you I got scared and I ran over here thought something bad happened.. are you okay?

Jason: you're not allowed to be in here get out!!

Kyro: but I was...

Jason: Get Out!!!

Kyro got scared and got up and started to walk towards the door by the way Jason yelled at him... Jason was going to say sorry too kyro.. but he couldn't hear him breathing anymore. So he assumed that he left the room.. then just slowly lays back down.. and takes a deep breath then closes his eyes and he falls back to sleep.. kyro tell Nanny to go back to bed and before he went to bed himself he went to go check on kima who was still asleep.. then he went back to his room not closing the door all the way and laying back down on his bed.. unfortunately as much as he tried he couldn't go back to sleep...

The next morning...

Nanny wanted to earn her place in Jason's house as well so she decided to cook breakfast for them.... Jason can smell the delicious breakfast from a mile away... It kind of put a smile on his face... He slowly finds his way to a chair on the table where the food was.. in front of him was kima drinking a glass of milk...

Kima: Nǐ hǎo!! (Hi!)

Jason smiled and replied back..

Jason: Nǐ hǎo Saskima!!

Kima: you know you're the only one that calls me by my full name?!

Jason: you have a very interesting name I like it!!

Kima: haha ok

Kyro was the last one to wake up, he was dressed and ready to go to work.. he said hi to everyone including Jason but he seems kind of off he didn't really want to engage with Jason at all...he made sure that he ignored any contact with him and Jason noticed... He didn't say anything but it's because nanny and Kima was in front of them..Slowly nanny started noticing as well but she kept to herself but was curious if something happened between them last night.. they finally finished eating breakfast.. Jason slowly gets up from his chair he turned his head to where he smelled his and the flowers honey citrus smell.. which always puts a smile on his face... Kyro gets to guide Jason to the car.. Jason reaches his arm to the side accidentally touching kyro's hand instead of arm..kyro quickly reacts and takes his hand out of the way and saids..

Kyro: can you not touch me!!

Nanny: Kyro!!

Kyro realized how rude he sounded and quickly apologize..

Kyro: Duìbùqǐ!! (Sorry!)

Jason: I think you should just stay home for today.. I'll call Dino..

Kyro quickly felt hurt that Jason didn't want him to guide him to the car...

Kyro: please!! Let me...

Jason: it's better if you just stay..

Kyro knew he messed up... so he kept apologizing and pleading to let him work...

Kyro: please!! I just want to do my job...

Jason takes off his black glasses out of frustration and yells..

Jason: No!!!

This startled everyone including kima.. the way Jason yelled scared kima so much that he started to cry.. Jason didn't realize and frantically tries to guide himself towards kima.. finally he reaches him and gently caresses his face and says..

Jason: Duìbùqǐ.. (sorry) I didn't mean to scare you.. please don't cry... I promise I won't yell again..

Kima was breathing heavily because of the crying so he couldn't respond. Jason smiles at kima all wiping his tears off..

Jason: Kima..

Kima: mmm

Jason: please don't cry no more I promise I won't yell ever again.. your Papa's going to stay with you today so I can go to work and I'll see you later.. maybe I'll get you an ice cream tub okay but you got to promise me you to be a good boy for your papa..

Kima: ok..

Jason slightly Pats kima's head..
He then reaches for his phone and calls Dino.. 15 minutes later he hangs up and says..

Jason: I will be going to work with Dino's help today you just stay put...

After some time Dino arrives in takes Jason to work..kyro didn't know what came over him he seemed to upset Jason somehow..

Nanny: why were you so rude to Jason... He's the reason why you have this job..

Kyro: Nanny I have no idea I just panicked when he grabbed my hand by accident...

Nanny: I think I know what's going on.. and I was wrong to tell you to close your heart up because it was too late..

Kyro: what do you mean Nanny??

Nanny: that you're seeing Jason with other eyes...

Kyro: with other eyes??

Nanny: with the eyes of your heart...

Kyro: no no that's not what this is...

Nanny: that's the first stage of falling in Love and it's called denial!! Trust me I know what I'm talking about..

Kyro: I can't be..

Nanny: you can't be what?! In love with Jason or in love with a man?? Look I know it's hard to understand your own feelings when it comes to loving the same sex.. but speaking out of experience take your time because if he gives you butterflies and those white pearl eyes of his make's you nervous but in a good way.. and if the way he speaks to you make your heart patter and that means you're either sexually attractive to the man or you just simply falling in Love.. and honestly I honestly think it's both..

Kyro: Nanny!!!

Nanny: why don't you just let your heart decide don't use your brain on this one... Because I have a feeling if you use your heart for this one this love will last a lifetime... And even if you don't want to admit it to Jason or to anybody else at least admit it to yourself that you, my son is falling in love with a man.. and when you find out I fear that will be too late.. so stop by pressing your feelings and just let it happen..ok sweetheart??

Kyro: ok...

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