Chapter 25: Happy Birthday Nene!!

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"C'mon Kasa! For our goddess! Nene!!" You said, throwing your fist in the air enthusiastically.


"Yeah! She's like the goddess of WxS! Her voice is so pretty!" You said happily.

"Your voice is really pretty too Y/n." Tsukasa complimented, his face changed from stressed to a calm, and surprisingly loving expression.

"Thank you, but I don't think it compares to Nene's." You admitted. You were always worried that your voice would hold WxS down. What if they thought you sounded horrible?

"Your voice makes me feel so happy though. The way your voice is pitched, and how you look when you sing. It just makes me feel so happy. Don't doubt yourself." Tsukasa said sweetly, you blushed wildly and coughed, trying to cover your red face.

"W-why don't we keep baking..?" You stuttered out. The boy smiled and you began to bake again. You finally figured out what to do and the cake ended up turning out perfect. You smiled as you took it out of the oven, and Tsukasa gave you a proud grin.

"We did it princess! Of course the hit star of the future could make a cake! How did I ever doubt it?!" He striked a pose as you cheered happily at the side. You usually didn't support his narcissism, but you were so happy you didn't screw this up.

You both decorated the cake and waited for Rui to head back to the kitchen. Hopefully he was doing okay. You were starting to run out of time.

"Tsukasa, do you think she'll come if its late?" You asked with a worried expression.

"If she doesn't, then we can drag her." The boy said innocently, you laughed and linked arms with him. The two of you decided to watch more of those stupid life hack videos you found because you found them hilarious for some reason.

Rui eventually showed up, his hair was messy, and he looked exhausted. You ran up to him with a concerned face. You went up on your toes and tried to fix his hair. You didn't want him to look like he just got off a 10 hour shift from work when you went to go see Nene.

"I'm assuming my reliable director did a good job and everything worked out?" Tsukasa asked, following you over to Rui.

"Yep, everything is all set. You guys can text Nene to head over after we get there." Rui said with a yawn.

"Are you alright? It's really cool that you finished that so quickly, but you seem super tired now." You asked.

"I'm happy you're impressed by my work Y/n. But I can assure you that I'm fine. Let's hurry before it gets dark." He said with a smile.

The three of you rushed to Pheonix Wonderland, Rui was refusing to tell you what he made for Nene, which worried you, but also excited you.

You shot a quick text to Emu and Nene to meet at the Theme Park. In the time you had to waste you decorated the wonderstage for Nene.

"I hope she isn't upset we haven't said anything to her all day.. I would feel so bad if we hurt her feelings on her own birthday." You sighed as you hung streamers on the stage. Since you still had your uniform on, you tied your school jacket around your waist and rolled the button up shirts sleeves up to your elbows. The three of you worked your asses off to decorate the stage before the two girls showed up.

After around 15 minutes, you saw Nene walk in with Emu at her side.

"Hey, why did you guys call us in so late-" Nene started, but you cut her off by hugging her tightly.

"Happy birthday my Goddess!! I-I mean Nene!" You exclaimed, she wobbled and fell to the ground, with you on top of her.

"Dog pile!" Emu cheered and jumped on top of you two girls. Tsukasa and Rui just watched with a worried expression. You groaned and looked down at the girl under you. Her face was beet red, and she seemed to be sweating. You shot her an embarrassed grin and rolled off of her taking Emu with you.

"Sorry about that.. I hope I didn't hurt you." You apologized, rubbing the back of your head.

"It's okay.. you guys know its my birthday?" Nene asked, with an embarrassed expression.

"Of course we do! A true leader would never forget that fact!" Tsukasa stated proudly.

"Rui told us, and we really wanted to do something for you." You said, ignoring what Tsukasa had said and stating the facts.

"Oh. T-thank you guys.." Nene muttered, you could barely hear her. She looked down at the ground.

"Eh?? Is something wrong birthday girl??" Emu asked, walking over to the girl who was still on the ground.

"I'm just.. a little embarrassed I guess. You really didn't have to make a big deal out of my birthday. You didn't even have to say anything.." She admitted quietly.

"Of course we said something Nene, cuz we all love you!" You got up and stood in front of her, holding out your hand to her. Her eyes widened as she looked up at you. Her face turned even redder. She hesitatingly took your hand and you pulled her up, pulling her into another hug afterwards. She felt her grip onto your clothes and your face flushed red. Nene was so close to you, and she was acting so adorable.

"W-well.. why don't we show you the present Rui made for you?" You suggested, you tried to ignore the butterflies in your stomach.

"You made me something? You really didn't have to..." Nene said, loosening her grip on you and looking up to Rui.

"Don't be ridiculous, we're friends. I'll always do these things for you. I promise." Rui smiled and walked over to the stage, wheeling over robonene.

"Sure, this may look like the same robonene.. but! I actually programmed it so that it works like a VR system!" Rui said proudly, wheeling the robot over to Nene. "Step inside of Robonene, I promise I made it so there is enough room for you." Nene obliged and went inside of the robot. "Now, simply walk around like normal. You can control her by your normal actions. Sure we used a controller before, but this seems more effective does it not?"

"That's so cool Rui!" You examined Robonene with a fangirlish expression.

"Y/n.. it's making me embarrassed when you look at me like that.." Nene said with a quiet voice.

"Wah! I'm sorry, please forgive me!" You stepped away and watched Nene walk over to Tsukasa, she raised her robotic arm to his face and flicked him. He screamed and tumbled over to the ground.

"Tsukasa!!" Emu yelled and ran over to the boy.

"R-Rui..? How powerful did you make that thing?" You asked with a scared expression.

"Well, I needed a way to keep Tsukasa's personality in check." He grinned mischievously.




Word count: 2443

Try to Smile! WxS x Reader!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora