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"No fucking way."

I stare at my phone screen in shock. When Adrian blocked me, I figured I just did something to piss him off. Never, ever did I expect him to delete the Spotify playlist he made me.

"You're joking!" I exclaim, processing the fact that it was actually gone. I look up from my phone and to one of my close friends, Nancy. "He deleted the playlist he made me."

Her jaw drops and she climbs onto the bed, hovering over my shoulder to see. "What the fuck did you do?" She gasps.

"I don't know," I exasperate, sighing as I drop my face into the blanket. "We were talking just fine - like, I really thought we had a connection - and then he just blocked me. Like, I woke up one morning and I was blocked. I'm so confused."

Letting out an obnoxious groan, one that sounded like a mix of death and anger, I hold back the urge to throw a fit. I wouldn't be this frustrated if it didn't happen all the damn time. Every guy that takes interest in me almost always loses it after a few days - that's if I don't lose it first.

Seriously, I never end up talking to a guy for longer than two weeks. It's like they get some kind of alarm in their head that screams, "Shit, 2 week trial's up!"

"Where was this guy from?" Nancy asks, trying to figure out some explanation or way to comfort me. I set my phone on the bed and turn over to look at her.

"England," I grumble, grabbing a pillow and holding it over my stomach.

Her thin eyebrows pinch together in thought. "Did you imitate his accent? Use british slang improperly? Talk about America?"

My eyes light up in realization and I snap my fingers. "I did send him a video of fireworks from the fourth of July."

"That doesn't seem so bad."

"Well, then I said: Welcome to Americanism."

Her red stained lips purse as she cringes. Her red, white, and blue nails become more noticable as she hides her face behind her hands. "Girl," She sighs.

My lips form a thin line. Curse you Nancy and your ability to get new nails every few weeks. "What? It was hilarious in the moment."

Her blue eyes peek from behind her hands. "Respectfully, your humor could only make a kindergartner laugh." Then she mutters under her breath, "If that."

"Bitch!" I cry out, lightly slapping her leg. She giggles and turns away from me. Nancy runs a hand through her voluminous blonde hair. I lay out like a starfish once she stands back up. "Where you goin?"

"Home," She smiles, leaning down to give me a quick hug. Once she releases me, she grabs her purse and puts it on. "See you later Riles."

"Bye Nance," I call out as she shuts my bedroom door gently. The silence quickly envelopes me as I stare at the ceiling above.

This part of the day came faster than usual.

Nancy's a sweet girl. Tall, blonde, skinny. She's the girl that turns the bad boys good. She's not even obnoxious about her looks and popularity. She's humble, smart, and actually listens. She's the girl every guy in our grade has had a crush on at least once.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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