2- We'll meet again

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I woke up feeling as if I'd gotten run by my whole family. And trust me, I've got a biiiiiiig family.

I was covered in blood.

"I must be dead" I thought "But why does it hurt so much?"

"Get up" The voice said. That stupid voice that controlled my life since last month. I hated it. Why me? I was just seven. But I wouldn't dare say that out loud. It'd kill me "There's no one coming for you"

I knew it was wrong. I could call Mami and she'd come.

Through gritted teeth, I obliged myself to get up.

"Show me you're worthy" The voice continued "Show me I made no mistake choosing you and I'll leave you until it's time"

It'd leave me? I suddenly felt stronger, the adrenaline ran through my veins. 

But, what did it mean with "worthy"? I could move flowerpots and spy on people, but those things didn't seem really spectacular.

"What if I lift Casita" I thought. That was surely impresive.

But, then again, Casita was probably really heavy. It was hard enough to lift little things, would I manage to do it?

"I have no other choice" I thought.

So I started concentrating. I focused on Casita, mi arm extended, my eyes shut.

"Get up" I whispered "Please"

I struggled for five full minutes, blood pouring from my nose, but nothing happened. It didn't even move.

"Well, seems like you need more practice. Perhaps another month together, eh?"

"No. Please" Tears came down my eyes and mixed with the blood. "No!"

I felt a sharp pain. A red stain spreaded over my pyjama top.

"It's gonna kill me" I started trembling.

I was really afraid. I didn't stand a chance against it. I was just a kid. Just a kid...

But there was another feeling. Anger. It wasn't gonna take away another month of my life. No, it wasn't.

With all the strength I could muster, I yelled.

"GET OUT OF ME!!!!!!"

Out of my mouth came a big dark shadow.

I stood there, all of my forces and my whole mind focused on getting that shadow thing out of my body.

When it seemed to be finally out, I fell on my knees. The shadow faced me.

"Until we meet again"

And dissapeared.

What had just happened?

My head hurt. Everything started spinning. With horror, I watched the blood stain in my chest grow bigger and bigger.

My adrenaline ran out, and pain kicked in. More pain that I had ever felt.

Compared to it, shots were no biggie. And that was saying something.

I knew I had to be strong. That was what it'd teached me. To swallow up my emotions. To swallow up the pain. It didn't matter. I didn't matter.

But I couldn't keep it up any longer.

"Mami!" I yelled with the little strength I had left. "Papi! Isa! Lulu! Someone..."

I fell to the ground. Blood splashed.

"I'm gonna die" Was the only thing I could think "I'm gonna die here, alone and scared..."

My eyelids became really heavy. I didn't want to pass out, but I felt tired.

I couldn't hold on any longer.


A scream pirced my ears. It was mami.

"NOO!! MIRA!!"

Papi cried too. I could hear Mami's sobs and footsteps aproching me.

"No! Mira, please. Mijita, please hold on" Mami held me in her warm arms "Te amo, cielo. I'm sorry for everything..."

She was sorry? What?

I didn't have time to figure out what was she sorry for, because I fainted in her arms, her sobs rocking me to sleep.

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