Chapter 5: The Graveyard

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(Elena walks to the graveyard and writes in her diary)

Dear diary
"I made it through the day, I must have said I'm fine thanks at least 37 times and I didn't mean it once but noone noticed. When someone asks how are you they really don't want an answer."

(She gets distracted)

A crow starts making noises then she notices a bunch of smoke started to fill the graveyard. She gets confused and scared she than stood up and told the crow to go away she turns around to see another one start to make noises she slowly picked up her stuff and ran away she looks behind her and sees someone standing there but ignores it and runs away but trips and fell by a tree she gets straight back up and sees the new boy just standing there and she asks if he was following her he said no I just saw you fall and she said yeah of course you was definitely just hanging around in a cemetery
He said no I was visiting I have family and freinds here she apologised straight away and blamed it on the fog and that she was scared she introduced her self and he said his name he was no longer going to be called the new boy anymore to her he picks a bit of grass out her hair she smiled and complimented his ring he said "oh thanks its a family ring so I'm stuck with it it's weird huh" she said no no there just rings and them he asked if she hurt her self she then checked there was blood lots of blood and stefan just looked away stefan told her to go take care of it while she was looking away he just disappeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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