Chp. XII - Someday

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A new day as come and everyone is still feeling helpless. Addison is now an alien and has to leave Earth.

The werewolves looked up at the Mothership and sighed.

"They're saying the alien ship is damaged. It might not survive a launch." Wyatt said as he walked up to his sister and Wynter.

"It's not totally our fault. We just wanted to stop them from leaving." Wynter said, feeling down.

"Well, serves them right for lying to us." Willa protested. Wyatt sighed at his sister.

"Willa, We also lied when we first came here looking for the moonstone. Different situation or not, we're just like them." He told her. Willa shook her head.

"Don't you get it? They are stealing from us! They're taking Addison." Willa said.

"She's choosing to go with them to save her people, Willa." Her brother said, trying to make her understand.

"Well, I don't want her to go." The alpha said, looking down at the ground.

"No matter how far away she goes, she'll always be a part of our pack, Sister." He said as he held his sister in his arms. They sighed as they looked up at the Mothership, trying to figure out how they can fix this.


As Addison walked towards the Mothership with her suitcase, the aliens beamed themselves down and looked at her, defeated.

"With the reactor damaged, there is a 67.9% chance that we will not have enough energy to leave orbit." A-Li said.

"We must try. The longer we wait, the worse our odds." A-Ri told her and Addison. Addison nodded. She turns around and sees Bree and the cheer squad, handing her pom-poms.

"Think of me when you use them. They're supposed to shake, not me." Bree said, trying not to cry.

"Aww, I'll miss you, bestie." Addison said, giving Bree a big hug.

"I'll miss you, extra-terestie." The two laughed as they said their cheer once last time. A-Ri smiles sadly at them. Friendship is truly a beautiful thing.
Zed walks up to Addison and holds her hands.

"I don't want to leave, But, the aliens need to find their home." She said, looking up at her tall zombie boyfriend.

"Yeah, I know. Which is why I'm coming with you!" He said excitedly. Addison's eyes widen as she smiles.

"I'm sorry Zed. But, it is impossible. Only our species is capable of space travel on the Mothership. You'd be fried by our stardust energy in a minute." A-Ri told them, bringing their hopes down. Zed and Addison sighed as they looked at each other.

"Core reactor is shutting down! Emergency systems activated." Mothership told the aliens. They looked at each other, panicked.

"We must leave now!" A-Li yelled.

"Even with our stardust power depleted. We must risk it." A-Lan said, worried. They turned around as they heard the sound of a car and the wolves howling. A-Li groaned

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