"Was it this?" He asked before pulling me closer by the waist and kissing me on the lips.

"Or this?" He asked again before turning me around and pressing himself again on my ass.

I quickly pushed him back and looked around.

"What are you doing? The others could've seen us!" I whispered.

He shrugged before continuing to put up the balloons.

I put up some more decorations before I went back to him.

"So...it wasn't a mistake?"

I had to ask. What he was doing wasn't fair to me, Blaze, or the business. It's not fair to anyone for a matter of fact.

He can't keep doing things he doesn't mean.

He sighed and stayed quiet for a while.

"Hunter? Say something."

"I wish it was, Sophia."

I raised my eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean? Why do you wish for it to have been a mistake?"

He opened his mouth to say something but Kennedy ran in.

"Guys, hurry up! Lynda said Mason is gonna be here in ten!"

We nodded before rushing to finish up.

Everyone gathered in front of the entrance with the lights off and when the door opened, we yelled 'surprise!'.

The look on Mason's face was priceless. He was terrified but then a big smile came on his face as he saw his close friends come together to celebrate another year with him on earth.

After he hugged each of us, we started to eat and converse with each other.

Jude popped out of nowhere and ran to me.

"Ma'am, Blaze's nanny is on the line and needs to talk to you."

"I don't want to talk to her."

"Ma'am, she said she wants to apologize because she had a few drinks that day."

I took the phone from her and immediately ended the call.

"What are you doing here Jude? Jannette is supposed to come back to work from tomorrow."

She looked nervous before Jack swooped in and grabbed her hand.

"I brought her. Everyone gather around!"

We all came closer together with the same confused look on our faces.

"Everyone, this is Jude, my new girlfriend."

The room dropped dead silent.

Out of all the people in the world, he chose Jude, my assistant???

Sabrina marched up to him and slapped him before walking out. The sound echoed across the room.

"Way to mess up Mason's surprise party Jack!" Lynda shouted with tears as she walked away.

"Lynda, it's not completely ruined!" Mason shouted as he followed behind his wife.

Jack looked disappointed. He looked happy a few minutes ago. He looked proud to tell everyone that he's finally given up on his toxic relationship and was ready to move on. Now, he just looked embarrassed.

No one cared for his happiness.

All of a sudden, Hunter walked up to him and hugged him. Zach followed shortly after.

I decided to give them some space and look for Blaze. I was ready to leave this mess.

This friend group was a shit show and I hated it. It was fun at first but now every event we have always gets ruined.

No one truly cared about each other anymore.

I took Blaze and went to my car.

Hunter stopped me before I got in the car.

"Are you walking out too?"

He sounded kind of angry about it. When we were together, he always wanted me to stay. I don't know why.

"I'm done."


"I told you how I felt about this group and you chose to ignore me!"

He held my hand and nodded.

"Fine, you don't have to come to these anymore. I want you to do what you want and be happy."

He looked hurt.

I leaned forward and kissed him on the lips.

He was being so dramatic. It's not like I'm cutting off all communication with him and the others.

I just don't want to come to their parties anymore because every time I come, it's always some drama. It always reminds me of what happened that one time.

It was the week before Hunter asked for us to be separated.

Sometimes I wondered if those two events were connected.

I opened my mouth to say I love you but quickly closed it. I wasn't sure if he was ready for me to say those words back to him again.

"I'll leave first," I said before getting in my car and driving off.


Love & Business: Part IIIWhere stories live. Discover now