44-Truth's Out

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"Hey guys!" Blaine greeted Nick and Jeff who was just arriving from the boy's house.

"Blainey!" Jeff calls hugging his best friend. Nick hugs him next and then looks at him.

Like he knows what the boy is going to ask, he responds. "I have no idea..."

Nick just runs out the room so fast that no one can run after him.


Trent hears an impatient knock on his door and quickly goes to open it. "Hi!"

"Have you seen Kurt?"

"Yeah,he's right here." Trent responds a bit confused by Nick's urgency to see his best friend. He then waves a quick goodbye and gets out. The short one enters and sees the other boy laid on Smythe's bed. He was with his arms under his head and his eyes closed. His expression was unreadable. "Kurt..." Nick didn't know what to say because he didn't know how much the boy knew.

"Nick...it's you." The boy realised, sitting up and looking into the other one's eyes. "I need to talk with Seb..."

"I know and I'm sorry..."

"You knew...?"

"Yeah, but it didn't feel right for me to tell..." He opens his arms not sure if Kurt now is mad at him. He relaxes when the boy pulls him closer and buries his head on his best friend's chest. "Shhh...It's okay...he's a jerk..." Nick was brushing Kurt's hair softly. He could feel his own rage for that guy rising but now was not the time to be mad because Kurt needed him. Kurt needed a friend more than anything right now.

They hear the door slowly opening. The steps of the person that just entered stopped when they saw Nick hugging Kurt in his arms tightly. "Baby...did something happen?"

The dark-haired boy clenched his teeth as he recognized that voice. He held Kurt even closer but he just gently pulled the boy away. Nick looked down and Kurt nodded. He didn't want to leave Kurt alone with him but he understood that Kurt wanted to do this on his own. The short boy kissed his best friend's forehead and got out without even looking into Sebastian's eyes.

Even when they both heard the door close Kurt didn't take his eyes off the ground. He couldn't. He didn't want to imagine his reaction once they made eye contact or even when he saw him. It was true that they weren't the most emotional and cheesy with each other and Kurt couldn't help to doubt their relationship but nothing seemed a good excuse for doing what that guy just did. People usually feel sad because they love the person. However Kurt didn't feel like that, that was not even in his mind. He felt like he was not enough, he felt disposable, ordinary. He wouldn't dare to ask the reason out of fear of being right.

Sebastian was too confused with Kurt's potential monologue so he broke the silence. "Are you giving me the silent treatment or something,Kurt?"

"I know about you and Clarington." He spat it coldly, still not bothering to look at him in the eyes. He couldn't risk losing himself now.

"Did-did he tell y-you?" Sebastian asked in an angry tone.

"So, you're not denying it,huh?"

"Kurt...I'm sorry, I didn't know where you were and..."

"No,you're not sorry. Don't pretend that you care about anyone's feelings but your own. I know we don't have a normal and loving relationship but anything would be a better solution than being disloyal and then dishonest with your own boyfriend,Sebastian."

"You didn't answer my question,Kurt."

"Yes,it was him. I'm mad at him but this is never one person's decision and you being part of it hurts much more than the fact that he is." Kurt finally stood up and dared to lock their gazes. He had time to let his feelings all out later.

"I can't believe him..." Sebastian said, avoiding keeping his eyes on Kurt's.

"And I can't believe YOU." Sebastian felt powerless upon Kurt's posture who was aware of that. "And if your little pathetic self is still wondering, yes, I'm breaking up with you."

He didn't even give time to let the boy speak as he made his way around him as got out of there.

Kurt got back to his dorm where Blaine was silently reading a book. The curly haired boy looked towards the door and it opened slowly. He thought that Nick's advice still applied at the moment so he didn't say anything as the boy stopped just in front of him. Blaine did nothing but put his book down waiting patiently for Kurt's next moves or words.

The blue eyed boy finally spoke but just above a whisper. "Would you mind if I wanted to just watch a movie now...with you?"

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