Chapter 2.2 The Brooch Problem

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AnastasiaStarlight:Hi guys sorry for the long wait i hope you guys are not mad at me for not updating sooner ,..... Well then into the story

Y/n:aughh its morning already??

"Y/n starts to stand up and look at hes sorroundings  and see elaina sleeping beside him.

I should think.

Flashback .

"Y/n is seen walking in the halls and going to their room but he heard saya screaming.


"Y/n immediately run towards their room and opened it to see Saya cheeks being grabbed by elaina.

Y/n:Are you ok!?....... Uh what are you doing??

Elaina:This girl ! Have a duplicate key of our room and use it to enter after i just took a bath.

Saya:Sorry.. ahhh!!

Y/n:you just lost my respect bruh....

Elaina:Anyway Y/n where are you sleeping afterall we shared rooms

Y/n:Ill just sleep in the chair .

Elaina:Are you sure???.

Y/n:Yes its pretty ok to me i always fell asleep in chairs.

Elaina:Huh.. well its not ok for me you wont be sleeping today in the chair.

Y/n:I said Yes its ok.

Elaina:i said No.



Y/n:Y/n Yes


Y/n:Alright Fine! Where do i sleep... 'It will just loop is i didnt stop'

Elaina:In the bed with me..

Y/n:Yea no.... I wont be sleeping with a girl.

Elaina:You can just look the other way while sleeping the same for me and theres nothing wrong with that?

Y/n:I see well then ok fine i will sleep in the bed.


Y/n:Anyway where is Saya.

"Elaina look around to see Saya has left the room when they are arguing.

Elaina:She took off

Y/n: Well im going to take a bath now

Elaina:Very well ill just wrote this day in my book


"Y/n go inside the bathroom, While Elaina  Starts writing in her book , After that they both sleep in the bed facing on the other side of the bed.

Flashback End

Y/n:I guess nothing happened


"Elaina wakes up and saw Y/n looking at her.

Elaina:Good morning Y/n .

Elaina:Good morning Y/n

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