A Beltane To Remember

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She gave Rowan a sidelong glance, catching him watching her still. A female approached him, and to Celaena's great delight, he turned her down quickly and blatantly. Then he returned to watching her. For some reasons butterflies fluttered in her stomach, and she bit her lip and grabbed two goblets.


Rowan clenched his teeth while he watched Aelin dance with that male, especially when the male's hand wandered suspiciously low on her back. But he could tell she enjoyed it, loved it even, the trill of the dance and the music. Had he ever seen her smile so brightly? There was no swagger, no sultry expressions on her face, just happiness. Happiness caused by another male.

Why did he say no? Every part of his being had screamed yes, and now he suffered for not listening to it. Would she turn him down in return if he asked her now? He closed his eyes for a second trying to reign in the roaring in his blood. But then he caught a whiff of her scent as she and the male danced passed him.

That scent sang to him, beckoned him. Just like the taste of her blood had done, still did actually. Every night he lay awake for hours thinking about her, her blood, her scent, her wicked mouth...

Rowan shook his head, shaking away that image of her, and refocused his attention on the dancing pair. The song finally ended and the blasted male dipped her low while staring into her eyes. Rowan used all his willpower not to march over there and pummel him for looking at her like that.

Relief seeped through him when Aelin walked away from the male, and headed for the buffet table. His attention however was caught by an approaching female. Before she got too close he cut her a sharp look, but that didn't dissuade her. She opened her mouth to ask him for a dance.

"Not interested." He said gruffly before she got to say anything. He looked back at Aelin in time to find her watching him, then she picked up two goblets and headed his way. Once Aelin reached him she handed him one of the goblets.

"I realized I walked away with your drink earlier, so I got you a new one." She said, a small smile on her lips. She looked vibrant, flush with an inner light that shone through her eyes. He should have been the one to dance with her. He accepted the drink she handed him.

"Done dancing already, Princess?" He found himself asking. She took a sip, but eyed him over the rim of the goblet.

"No. I just needed to cool down a little." She said, angling her head to the side. Then her eyes shot to his left, and her upper lip curled into a teeth-baring snarl. He looked in time to see a dark haired female retreat from wherever she came from. His lips tugged up in a half smile, her action filling him with a strange satisfaction. It was interesting how fast she had adapted to her fae body, to the instincts that came with it.

"He wasn't even that good." He said offhandedly, and Aelin's eyebrows shot up.

"And I suppose you think you're better?"

He took her goblet from her hand, and placed them on the ground. He felt her eyes follow his movements, and met her quizzical gaze. Rowan extended his arm to her, and his heart skipped a beat as she eyed it without taking it. "I'll show you how it's done." He said with a surety he didn't feel at the moment.

The gold in her eyes burned, making them look like living gold. His heart did a leap when hooked her arm in his. "Oh, really? Then lead the way, Prince." Her eyes glittered with amusement.

He walked her into the open space, then put a hand on her back. Firmly, yet not too forceful. She put one hand on his upper arm, and he gently grabbed her other on in his. A heartbeat stumbled, if it was his or hers he did not know. He took a deep breath, his eyes locked on her blue and gold ones, then he took one step that started their dance.

Her eyes widen slightly with surprise, but it was soon replaced by with excitement. He lead her through spins and twirls, and stepped swiftly across the soft forest floor. At some point other dancers had moved out of the way, letting Aelin and Rowan use the entire space for themselves. Mid spin he shifted his hold on her, grabbed her by her left her and sent her spinning out away from him. At the same time, he fashioned a dress made of a thousand ice crystal, and the crystalline skirts flurried around her. Aelin accentuated the dress with gold and blue fires dancing between the ice crystals, and a fiery sash over her waist woven into an intricate pattern.

Her eyes glowed with pure exhilaration when he tugged on her hand, spinning her back into his arms, and right into a deep dip with their faces so close together he could feel her breath on his face. For a second he got lost in those mesmerizing eyes that was filled with joy and wonder. Rowan blinked, and pulled her back up to swish her once more across the clearing. Rowan no longer saw the demifae gathered around watching them, he wasn't even sure that the music was still playing.

No, his whole world centered on the golden female in his arms. On the light in her eyes, her intake of breath when he did an unexpected twist. Rowan placed both hands on her hips and lifted her into the air while spinning in a circle. He lowered her slowly, and her arms settled around his neck, her nose brushed against his. Her dress jingled, the only sound in the clearing at the moment.


Celaena breathed heavily while she stared into his eyes, his scent of pine and snow invading all her senses. She still hung around his neck, his strong arms holding her up and keeping her feet several inches above the ground. The sudden silence around made her acutely aware of her thundering heart, and exactly how close she was to Rowan. A mere tilt of her head would be enough to plant a quick kiss on his lips.

But before she could talk herself into doing it he loosened his grip on her waist, and she slowly landed on her feet. Their eyes were still locked, and she wondered if he could read the desire she was sure brimmed in hers. Was that longing in his eyes? Or was it just a remnant of emotion from the exhilarating dance?

His grip around her tensed slightly, and she gripped his shirt firmly as he bent down. Her breath caught in her throat when his lips pressed against hers softly. Her heart did a leap of joy, and pure warmth spread through her like a wildfire. She parted her lips and deepened the kiss, and he responded in kind by brushing the tip of his tongue over hers sending fiery sparks shooting through her. This was perfect, this was home.

A sudden applause and cheering broke her from her trans-like state, and pulled away from the kiss but stayed in his arms. A quick glance around the clearing had her blushing madly as she realized that everyone present had been watching them this entire time. She glanced up at Rowan through her eyelashes, biting her lip.

His sparkling pine green eyes met hers, his lips tilted into a smile.

"How was it?" He asked quietly, stroking her side with his thumb.

Celaena had to breath in deeply before answering. "The dance or the kiss?" She asked, and her lips slowly grew into a bright grin.

He chuckled deeply, and a faint blush bloomed on his cheeks. "Both."

Celaena leaned against chest, and tilted her head back to look into his beautiful eyes. Her crystalline dress jingled with the movement. "It was magical."

He cupped her cheek with a large hand, and brushed it with his thumb. "Happy Beltane, Fireheart." he whispered so that only she would hear it, then he planted a long, passionate kiss on her lips once more.

A Beltane To Remember (Rowaelin One-Shot)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang