Antagonists (part 1)

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Empress of the Night; Kazuna: Mother of Wise, she is quite the hedonist and loves to have handsome men fawning over her. She views the game more as a place to have sexy men cater to her whims rather than a place to fight and get stronger. It was this hedonistic personality that led to her divorce. She also sees Wise as a burden and has a rather antagonistic relationship with her daughter.

Medhimama: Mother of Medhi, she was initially seen craving power and wanting to be the best sorceress in the land

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Medhimama: Mother of Medhi, she was initially seen craving power and wanting to be the best sorceress in the land. This causes a rift with her daughter. She eventually heals this rift. Medhimama can be seen as a narcissistic mother, often shown to be pushing Medhi to be on top of everyone in the class, as number one. Medhi has to put up with it, but when alone, she is shown to be very mad while she kicks something, such as a wall, a rock, etc. Medhimama looks similar to her daughter. She has blue hair with a shade darker than Medhi's, and shorter. Medhimama and her daughter both share dark blue eyes with white pupils, and ample breasts.

 Medhimama and her daughter both share dark blue eyes with white pupils, and ample breasts

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Doppelganger Medhi: The living embodiment of Medhi's resentment towards her mother. After Medhi ends up in Jaune's world, her hatred and anger took form and taking her appearance. When Jaune and the real Medhi returns to the world of the MMMMMORPG, the Doppelganger Medhi transforms into its true form and attacks.

Amante: Amante is shown to be a klutzy and hard-headed person who fails at her goal to keep kids away from their mothers, but throughout the series does become infatuated by Masato & Mamako's Team

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Amante: Amante is shown to be a klutzy and hard-headed person who fails at her goal to keep kids away from their mothers, but throughout the series does become infatuated by Masato & Mamako's Team.

Amante: Amante is shown to be a klutzy and hard-headed person who fails at her goal to keep kids away from their mothers, but throughout the series does become infatuated by Masato & Mamako's Team

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The Lord of Blast, The Juggernaut:

The Lord of Blast, The Juggernaut:

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Rogue Knight, Nikolai:

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Rogue Knight, Nikolai:

The Black Lightning, Strike:

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The Black Lightning, Strike:

The Black Lightning, Strike:

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