Big "Brother's" Invitation [Theseus Scamander]

165 3 214

a/n: this fic is co-written


"Spotify play!" (so sorry can only think of Tay's songs)

1. End Game - Taylor Swift  (Theseus' POV)

2. Gorgeous - Taylor Swift  (Theseus' POV)

3. London Boy - Taylor Swift  (y/n's POV)

I drop my bag on the bench and take a seat carelessly. How can they put double History of Magic and manage to squeeze another hour of Transfiguration into my Wednesday? And not to mention, another hour of Transfiguration after lunch, followed by another two hours of Charms? Honestly, this semester's Wednesday couldn't get any worse. People in the Great Hall are now looking in my direction, most I recognise. Turns out it's because I frown so hard at my schedule as if I've just received a Howler. Bloody hell, (y/n)...

I scan the hall once again, good thing, people are already back to what they're doing, but there's still no sign of my mates. But again, it's still 20 minutes early for lunch break, for McGonagall dismissed Gryffindors and Ravenclaws early today for some independent study. Guess no one does that, except Hermione. Hermione said she'd be in the library up till lunchtime, no surprises there. Harry and Ron, well, they're heading to Professor Snape's dungeon for a detention briefing. It's actually funny thinking back about the prank since it was my idea, but the two boys were the ones caught in the act, dim-witty of them, then it was Harry who backed me up. Then the teachers only took 20 points from Gryffindor because of me. Thanks, Harry. For both of them, I feel a wee sorry, I guess I'll have to make it up. My other friends? Ugh, either they're still in class or they're on their way to the hall. Which brings me to one certain person, Theseus. I quickly turn my head to the Hufflepuff table where I will usually find him and his friends joking and playing Exploding Snap. Right now, it's just the first years. I sigh and decide I'll serve myself pumpkin juice since the tension of being alone in the hall gets heavier than the incoming summer.

"Oooiiiii! (Y/n) is here!"

That can only be George's musing. I turn around but am careful enough not to open my mouth while the pumpkin juice is still inside. I set the glass down and smile. I wave the bottom part of my scarlet robe and check for the presence of my wand. These two morons are the only bludgers that are safe to defend yourself with a wand.

"What's up?" I ask.

"What's up?" George mirrors me sarcastically.

"You're in the Bloody UK, mate!" Fred jokingly mocks me. "It's not 'what's up'."

I push Fred's left shoulder then chuckle. "Right, right. What is it, you two?"

George then pretends to inhale solemnly. "It's rare to see the most friendly girl in Hogwarts to be inside, alone, on a fine summer day like this," George muses.

"Go on..." I reply sarcastically as I get another sip of my pumpkin juice.

"We're hosting a party tonight. In the common room," Fred informs in a very secretive manner.

I roll my eyes. "As if you don't do it every week, what's the catch?"

"Oh come now, sissy, don't be such a party pooper." Fred gives me a fake pout.

George tucks my left robe. "The catch is, we'll also be inviting other, uhm, exclusive students as well..."

"Hmm..." I simply nod. Then a bell rings in my head. My face definitely takes a drastic change of expression now that the two idiots in front of me are now grinning evilly. But I couldn't stop myself from grinning too, probably a little too much as I feel a wee tension creeping into my cheekbones.

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