Chapter 19 The Fountain.

Start from the beginning

"Metamorphie Farciesse!" Akko cast a spell on The rat.

Akko cast a spell at The rat but it didn't work.

I notice that Akko's head has the color green magic flying around.

Suddenly, I noticed some other students trying not to laugh at Akko.

"Akko! Akko!" Lotte whispered to Akko.

Akko heard Lotte calling her.

Akko turns around and sees Lotte pointing her head.

Akko looked up and see the green magic flying around at top of her head.

Suddenly Akko got donkey ears.

The students laughed at Akko's ear.

I put my fingers at my nostrils. "Oh Akko," I mumbled.

Akko was completely shocked by her ears turning into donkey ears.

"No way! What's this? "What happened?" Akko said with a confused tone.

Professor Badcock glared at Akko. "I can't believe you still cannot master the basics of metamorphosis magic." Professor Badcock spoke to Akko.

"You must master it by the end of the day!" Professor Badcock said.

"By the end of the day?" Akko replied to Professor Badcock.

"There's supposed to be a party tonight," Akko spoke to Professor Badcock.

I put my finger on my chin. "Party?" I mumbled to myself in a confused tone.

"That's right." Professor Badcock said.

"The famous Earl of Hanbridge is coming to Luna Nova." Professor Badcock explained to Akko.

"So we are having a welcome party." Professor Badcock said.

"And his son is also coming," Hannah added.

"Yes, the Viscount of Appleton Andrew!" Barbara said.

"Andrew huh? Isn't that guy who is a friend of Ezra?" Aurora whispered to me.

"Yep that's him Ezra's friend," I whispered back to Aurora.

"I hear he's smart and handsome!" Barbara said.

Aurora was having an uninterested expression at what Barbara said.

Akko heard Hannah and Barbara's conversation about Andrew. "What? Handsome?" Akko spoke to them.

Professor Badcock glared at Akko. "Miss Kagari!" Professor Badcock said.

"You are not allowed to go. You must stay in your room and master the basics of metamorphosis." Professor Badcock explained to Akko.

"Understood?" Professor Badcock.

Akko was shocked by what Professor Badcock said to her.

I felt bad for Akko. "Poor Akko," I whispered to myself.


Y/N Pov

I and Aurora were on the bridge of the Academy teaching Aurora some new magic.

"Today I will teach you to, lift someone into the air.," I said.

"It sounds cool but dangerous at the same time," Aurora replied to me.

I looked at Aurora. "Don't worry you will be okay besides I can cast a healing spell if one of us gets hurt. I spoke to Aurora.

"Okay if you say so," Aurora respond to me.

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