"I love you, my dearest Randall"

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Randall suddenly found himself violently shoved against a locker. The hallway was barely lit, a power outage having cut the lights and a thunderstorm blocking the setting sun. No one was around but them, everyone having already gone home for the weekend, including the staff. The only two left, originally there because of a certain redhead somehow leaving his entire backpack in one of the classrooms, were now only inches apart from one another, one pushed against a row of lockers and the other clutching onto his sweater, his eyes staring at his friends', his mouth twisted in a psychotic smile, breathing slowly yet heavily as his arms trembled with excitement, blood splattered on his face and shirt.

"Randall, I got rid of her for you. Now you won't have to worry about her, and I won't have to worry about her stealing you from me!"

"H- Hershel..." Randall could barely whisper, trembling with terror. "Why? Why w-would you..."

"Because I love you!" Hershel laughed. "I love you more than anyone in the world!" He yanked him closer to him, moving one hand to his face. "I could never let anyone take you away."

His protests refused to leave his throat, and his eyes darted around, occasionally returning to his friend's. Randall had never seen him like this before. This can't be real! he thought, unable to even fathom how this person in front of him could be Hershel. Hershel was sweet, timid, and would never hurt a fly, or at least, Randall thought he was.

"Isn't this great?" Hershel asked, loosening his grip. "The two of us, together, alone, with no one else to bother us. And now that she's gone-" his voice held so much venom on that word, as if the very thought of Angela was enough to piss him off "-we're free to love each other all we want!"

Randall gripped onto Hershel's wrists and lowered them to his side, gently pushing him away. "I... I can't believe this..."

"I know," Hershel beamed in contrast to Randall's shock and disgust, "isn't it wonderful!" He attempted to lean forward and grab him again, but he was quickly stopped.

"No! No, it's not wonderful! You killed my girlfriend, Hershel!" Randall's shouts echoed through the empty hall, as if the walls were further emphasizing his point, but it had no effect.

"Yeah, she's out of the way now-"

"Out of the way? OUT OF THE WAY?! Hershel, I don't know if you realize this, but KILLING! PEOPLE! IS! VERY! BAD! It doesn't matter who it is, murder is murder! Besides, how did you even know she was here? Did-" the sheer rage on his face melted into terror "-did you set this up?"

"Of course," he replied proudly. "I asked her to meet me here tonight to talk about something in private. She arrived, and, well-" he pulled a small pocket knife out of his back pocket and flicked open the bloody blade, playfully tilting it towards his own neck and winking "-I'm sure you can guess the rest."

Randall's whole face turned pale. His eyes widened, and his jaw dropped as he whispered, "you're insane."

Hershel chuckled, slowly turning it into a hysterical cackle. "I know!" he laughed, "But I did it all for you.. All of this was for you!"

"Why the bloody hell-?!"

"Because I love you! I love you so much it's driving me insane! All I want is for us to be together forever, and that stupid bitch kept getting in our way, so I had no choice but to kill her! Now, finally, we can be happy together, we can-"


Randall's scream silenced him, snapping him into a short lived state of shock.

"I did love you, Hershel, but you ruined it! You ruined it! Any love I had for you is gone, all because you decided it would be a grand idea to MURDER my GIRLFRIEND!"

Hershel couldn't respond. He just stood in silence, gripping the knife tighter in his hand.

"Y'know, I would have loved to be with you too. I'm sure if you had just told me, we could have worked something out with Angela. I have nothing against being in two relationships at once, and I'm sure she wouldn't've had a problem with it either. But... now she's gone. Y-you killed her. I loved her! And now that you've- because you- I- she- I- Hershel-" Randall failed to hold back sobs, his anger and grief mixing into a concoction of pain that tore him apart. "I HATE YOU!" He screamed before he darted out of the hallway, bolting towards the exit door with a speed he never knew he had.

Hershel could do nothing but stand there, Randall's last words echoing in his head. Tears streamed down his face, and he dropped to the ground hard enough to hurt his knees, the knife still clutched in his palm. He now hated that knife, the knife that killed not only Angela but also Randall's love for him, the knife stained with blood and regret. He didn't regret Angela's death - he no longer cared about his former friend - but Randall's response. He regretted killing his chances at a happy eternity. As he brought it closer to his face, his heart ached more and more. As he raised it into the air and aimed it towards himself, now holding onto it with both of his shaking hands, the pain became unbearable. He stared at the shining metal, this weapon he'd held onto for just the right moment, the moment he thought would bring him eternal joy, the moment that only brought him an agony he knew would last a lifetime. He longed for nothing more than to be rid of this suffering.

"O happy dagger!" he whispered, gripping tighter onto the handle, "This is thy sheath; there rust, and let me die."

He swiftly plunged it into his chest, and everything was over.

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