"That's actually a good idea. I don't know a soul in this city."

I told him I was going to go shower first. I grabbed my bathroom bag and some boxers and walked out to the hallway. The bathrooms were at the end of the corridor. I made my way down the hall, passing all sorts of rooms and people. I could smell marijuana from some rooms, some doors were open enough for me to see some guys playing video games, others were folding clothes, and some were just sitting there in their boxers eating a bag of Cheetos.

When I made it to the bathrooms, I was hit with the smell of deodorant mixed with sweat and fart. Very unpleasant. Do they ever clean these? There were some guys brushing their teeth. Others taking a piss, and some coming out of the showers. They were wearing nothing but towels. Some I found sexy, others...not so much. I find an empty shower stall and walk in. I close the curtain behind me and start undressing. I turn the water on. It was warm.

As I started scrubbing, I noticed the bathroom was getting quieter. People started leaving and I was left alone. Good, I thought. I took the opportunity to start singing a tune. Not loud enough to hear me from outside the bathrooms, but loud enough to hear myself over the showerhead. "I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose. Fire away! Fire away! Ricochet. You take your aim. Fire away! Fire away!"

"You shoot me down, but I won't fall." I heard another voice sing in synch with mine. I jump up. My heart races. Shit. How did I not hear someone come in?! "I am titanium." The voice continues. I couldn't see who it was but I could tell that they were in the shower next to mine. The voice was pleasant to hear. It was raspy and masculine, yet sweet and soft; much better than mine at least. I was still pretty embarrassed. The crazy thing is that I was singing the Christina Grimmie version. A version I thought only I knew. Apparently not. The voice next door starts humming the rest of the song. I felt very awkward, so I hurried and I finished fast. I wanted to get out of there before the guy got a chance to see me.

I walk back to my room in boxers and a towel around my waist. Anthony seemed ready to go, "So you comin'?" he asked.

"Yeah. I'll be fast. You can wait for me downstairs in the lobby." I suggested. He nodded and walked out, shutting the door behind him. I just needed an excuse to get him out of the room. I wanted to change in private. I'm okay with changing in front of people, like I did in the locker rooms, but Anthony was still a stranger, so I would've felt uncomfortable. I pull on the jeans I had earlier and a polo shirt from the closet. I mess my hair up a bit so that it doesn't look it it's stuck to my face. My hair was kind of long, enough to reach my eyebrows. I put on my tweed toms and ran out the door. Shit I forgot deodorant. Oh well, I continued down. I met up with Anthony and we walked outside. The weather was nice. It was warm and windy; I'd say a good 78 degrees. The coffee shop was pretty close because it only took us about 5 minutes to get there on foot.

"Best place on campus," said Anthony. We walked in. the place was cool, it had a jazz club kind of vibe to it. There were people on laptops, sipping cappuccinos and discussing the things they did on summer break. I followed Anthony to the counter. "I'll have a large coffee and a small cappuccino," he told the clerk. Coffee and a cappuccino? Was one for me? I don't like coffee though, I thought. "Here ya go bro," the clerk handed Anthony his drinks. "They're really fast here. That's why I love this place." He noticed my eyeing his two drinks. "One's for my girlfriend. She'll be here later," he explained. He walked over to an empty table by the window. "What can I get you?" asked the man behind the counter. I looked at the menu up above. Coffee, coffee, coffee, tea, cocoa, aha! "A berry blast smoothie please." Yay! They had other drinks besides coffee. "4.75." I reached into my pocket for my wallet. I handed the guy some cash and took my smoothie. Wow they really are fast.

When I turn around, I see Anthony sitting with two other people. He waves over to me. As I approach I am greeted by a sweet looking girl. "Heather." She sticks out her hand. "I'm Anthony's girlfriend."

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