The North Stars game was exhilarating and amazing, and I couldn't help but take a glance over at Charlie. He and coach Bombay were sitting next to each other, having the time of their lives. They were cheering and smiling and having a lot of fun. I felt the corner of my mouth tug, but I quickly snapped out of my daze and turned my attention back at the game.


Lyla Mitchell's POV

"The surprising Ducks are still in this game against the hornets. Mitchell moves right in front, stops. She shoots, she scores!" The announcer said we huddled around each other, cheering. The ducks have finally realized I'm a good player, and won't betray them or leave them or something, so they have warmed up to me and Adam a bit, but mostly Adam. Though, still Jesse and Charlie hated my guts, more Charlie than Jesse. It's honestly getting tired being pushed into the boards by my own teammates, I was being pushed to the edge of my patients. Literally.

I came out with the puck again, scoring with my slap shot. The ducks were getting rougher, and were destroying players left and right. Dog piles and body checking were becoming more usual for the duckies, and thank god for that.

I took face off in the other teams zone and quickly passed it to Averman, who shoots and scores. We cheer and huddle around each other as the fans go wild. We won 5-3, the biggest score the ducks have won by so far.

We were in the semifinals against the cardinals, and we weren't giving up anytime soon. The cardinals were a tough team, but we were tougher. Especially Charlie, who still kept trying to sabotage me, till I lost it. I was skating down the ice as Adam had the puck, entering the zone. Suddenly, I felt someone collide into my shoulder and shove me into the boards, as I heard a faint pop. I ignored it out of fury and got back up, skating to the annoying number 96 who was skating away like nothing happened. I shoved him to the ground, getting the attention of the fans and the announcer.

"Woah! Lyla Mitchell throws a shove at her teammate, Charlie Conway! Mitchell is raging mad! What could've caused this outburst?" Charlie quickly got up, with fire in his eyes, glaring at me.

"What was that for, idiot?" He yells in my face, as I tried to keep my cool.

"You know what exactly that was for, coach's pet." I spit out, being taken to the box by a ref as another takes Charlie away.

"You'll pay for that!" Charlie said in fury as I just stick my tongue out at him, and headed to the box.

"Mitchell will get two for roughing, and she does not look happy!" The announcer explained as I took a deep breath. I just wanted to go home and fall asleep, is that to much to ask for?

We won 4-2, now Heading to the finals, against the hawks, and the ducks were estatic. Sure I was happy too, but I kept thinking about the hawks. They wouldn't go easy on us, especially me and Adam. With them and Charlie pulling at my strings, I could hardly think and I didn't know what to do. Adam noticed my quietness and jitters, and turned to me.

"Hey, what made you push Conway anyways?" He asked. I kept my vision on the ground as I responded.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because he has been doing it to me ever since I joined the team?" I say, anger clear in my voice.

"What? Mitch, you have to tell coach, he could do something about it!" Adam said trying to help.

"Ya well I can't really do that. If I do, it would probably get worse, and I just became friends with the ducks, if I told on their captain, they'll turn on me again." I ranted as Adam listened.

"Well, your gonna have to tell him sooner or later, lyla. And I will not sit here and have you fight this on your own. The hawks aren't gonna be nice to us, we have to stick together." I nod lightly at Adam's words as he pats me on the back and walks out the door.

Icebreaker (1) -Charlie ConwayWhere stories live. Discover now