11. Destined Star-Crossed Lovers

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"I couldn't fight the stupid mark. I was weak back then! Useless and a coward. Always whimpering away when someone raised their voice at me. Trying to hide behind others for support, not one single person was willing to give! Who would ever protect a soft-spoken waste of space like me?!"

Y/n felt tears stream down her face, for the pain he's experienced. For everything he was put through because of the soulmate mark. Because he was the mate bearer.

"I fucking hate all soul bearers... you are all the same, always have been." He spit out. Tako was breathing out hard, the room full of tension from his anger and his wounded heart. After a moment, his eyes widened, realizing what he spilled. Seeing how Y/n was looking down and whimpering away from him. Cursing low, he sighed. "Dammit..."

He shook his head at himself, at how he reacted. He didn't mean to scare her. Y/n Hado hasn't done anything to him to have him question her character.

Nothing ever good happened to him, and Y/n was finally understating why he was so closed off, with the truth he just told her.

He was hurt. Tako knew he was coming for her and there was nothing he could do about it.

Gulping down he whispered resigned. "Still... with you I thought, no, I hoped you would be... my salvation." He laughed, his voice breaking with emotion. "Silly of me to think the universe would let me have a break, would let me have something good, right? You truly want to know why I haven't killed you yet?"

Y/n shook her head, not wanting to know the answer because in a way she already knew.

"I'm in love with you, Y/n Hado. In such a short time you managed to break into my cold wounded heart."

Y/n held onto the ends of the desk tightly to stabilize herself.

"I doesn't matter how many times, I tried to deny the obvious of falling for you. Isn't that the stupidest thing you've heard?" He laughed at himself, as though he was the joke here. "The universe laughing at me again, hating me like it's always done. Giving me you only to rip you away from me. I thought maybe, maybe, you would stay, and I could find a way for him to survive without you."

His voice broke with every word, word vomit tumbling out everything he wanted to tell her. Pain was the only things he's known, and he should be accustomed to it. However, meeting Y/n Hado gave him hope. Only for it to turn out to be false.

"You'll never let him go, will you? No matter who comes into your life, it will always be him."

"I... um..." She breathed in deeply. Wiping her tears away roughly. "Take off your mask."

"No, I'm not letting you see me."

"I already know what you look like." She whispered, looking away from his piercing stare. Body trembling from his pain. For not being able to do anything to help him.

Scoffing, not believing her, he laughed darkly. "I'm not from your universe, there is no fucking way you know."

"Do you think I'm stupid?" She breathed through the torment and pressuring ache. Her chest going into the well-known despair she's had to accustom herself for these past years. "Do you think I wouldn't know?" She shook her head, sighing out, "I could fall into different universes, different worlds and meet different versions of you, but I will always know when it's you. My soul literally knows when it's you."

"What the hell are you going on about?" His voice sounded small, afraid.

And very familiar...

"Tako, really?" She scoffed softly, tears brimming in her eyes. "You couldn't have thought of a more original name? It's like you wanted me to know."

The Souleater (Tamaki Amajiki x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat