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After school Fuutarou comes to me. I already know what he wants

Fuutarou:Hey Y/n


Fuutarou:But i didn't even told you

Y/n:You want me to help you, right?

Fuutarou:Well, yeah

Y/n:Just ask their father for someone to help you

Fuutarou:If i would tell him that, i will probably say goodbye to my job

Y/n:Fine, i guess i can try again

Fuutarou:Y/n, you're my hero. Let me give you a hug

Y/n:Please don't touch me, you're overreacting

Fuutarou:Yes, that's right. Sorry

Y/n:Then, come on. Those girls needs to be teached. I promise that this time i will help you no matter what. I will show them that it's not good to mess up with me

Fuutarou:Y/n...you're right

We go to their apartment and enter
The girls looked surprised to see me here after i said so many times that i will never return

Ichika:Fuutarou, you don't want to let Y/n rest, huh?


Y/n:This is not a problem, believe me, you will never hear me say that i will let Fuutarou alone with you

Ichika:Looks like someone is in a good mood today

Y/n:No, in the best mood ever

Nino:Whatever, do what you want. I leave

Y/n:Oh, no you don't

I go and stay in front of the door blocking so Nino can't leave

Nino:What are you doing?

Y/n:Rememorează what you did the last time


Y/n:You need to pay me back

Nino:Fine, what do you want, money? I'll give you

Y/n:Oh no no, i want something else


Y/n:You understand wrong! What i want is you to stay with us studying


Y/n:All right then, Fuutarou, start without me. I will stay in front of the door

Fuutarou:Arw you serious?

Y/n:Very serious

Fuutarou:If you say so

Nino:I will just go to my room

I grab her by the hand

Nino:What are you doing?

Y/n:Everything to make you study

I see Nino starting to blush

Y/n:Are you okay? You're red as a tomato

Nino:I-i don't have anything. It's not even your job to make me study

Y/n:If Fuutarou was in my place would have been different?

Nino:N-no, of course i will not listen some nerd

Y/n:See? Look, study just to pass, that's all i want from you

Nino:I refuse

Miku:You always are like that Nino, change a little

Nino:What is your problem?

Y/n:You two shut up! I don't want to hear you argue in my face, do whaever you want when me and Fuutarou are not here, but now i don't want to hear you fight

Yotsuba:You are angry today

Y/n:I am not angry, i will just do Fuutarou's job

Fuutarou:That didn't sound very well

Y/n:Doesn't matter, we will have the trip in a few days, there we can relax. But until then, study!

Nino forced to stay with us, take a seat and we start to study. I think she hates me now. But it doesn't matter

Author pov

Hey everyone, sorry for my break of this fanfiction. I will try my best to finish this story. See you next chapter

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