I realised how much I love you. To the point where I don't think you actually know. I don't understand how I'm even able to feel this way about someone, but I do understand I wouldn't know what to with myself if I didn't.

There's one small detail I forgot to mention when you walked out my door a couple weeks ago. As you turned on your heel and finally closed the door behind you, marking what we both thought to be the end, I realised I loved you more walking out of that door than I did throughout my entire life. I was happier to see you leave me than I was to see you with me.

But after seeing you the way I did, and holding you the way I did, and wiping your blood from my hands the way I did, I realised how I was so scared to ever see you hurt again. To even think you had to be so alone going through that all before breaks away at every piece of me. But as I washed that blood out of your hair, and gently rubbed at the skin around your cheek, I come to a slightly dawning realisation that I want to spend every last breathe I'll ever let my lungs hold with you. Right by my side. If your hand isn't in mine the day I die then don't let me go. I wake up everyday loving you more and more and more and more.

Now I'm not saying it's ever gonna happen, but if by chance I do fuck up again, and you do find yourself walking out that door, just know I'll love you even more then than I had before. Even if you aren't mine to hold, I'll love you forever and always.

- Roger


So we're in France right now. And I want to marry you. I just suddenly clicked in my head this morning. You're gonna be my wife. Until I die.

So I'm stating to think you're gonna open these letters on one of three occasions,

1- we split up
2- we get married
3- I suddenly die

Kinda hoping it's 2... since the only thing I can picture right now is how gorgeous you're gonna look walking down the isle. And just know, when you do, I'll love you so much it think my heart might stop. More than I ever would've before. More than you'll ever even know.

Even though you are in fact the love of my life, my soulmate, just know you'll always be more than just a friend. You'll always be the part that completes me. The final piece of my mismatched puzzle. You finish it. Always. Because no one else will ever fit me the way you do. Your love completes me.



We're not good right now. We fucking hate each other. We won't stop hurting each other. It's horrid. I hate it. I honestly don't know what to do. I would loose everyone else in my life if it meant I could keep you. I can't loose you. But I don't know how to make sure your gonna stay anymore.

- Roger


i can't sleep. I'm gonna be a dad. I mean... what the fuck. I'm gonna be someone's dad. I'm gonna hold a baby. And it's gonna grow up. And it's gonna call me dad everyday of it's life until I'm no longer here. That's scary. Really, really fucking scary Lynn. We need each other. We need to stop hating one another. We're gonna have a tiny little person that's ours. It's insane.

More than just a friend || Roger Taylor Where stories live. Discover now