Tat Practice

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Steve often found himself staring at Eddie, especially at the most inopportune times. He couldn't help it; the man was mesmerizing. His sense of style was always roguishly on point, his hair tousled in such a way that it spilled over his shoulders perfectly. His clunky rings glistened in the sun, accentuating his long, dexterous fingers. And oh how Steve had fantasized about those fingers trailing his body. But lately, Steve couldn't stop thinking about the tattoos scattered across his body like confetti.

They were laying by Steve's pool, grateful that his parents were gone on another business trip. They were basking in the sun after a few hours spent in the pool, only getting out once their hands were sufficiently pruny. Drops of water still prickled their skin, waiting for the hot summer sun to evaporate them. They idly sipped their beers, passing a joint between the two of them as they rambled on about pointless things. Steve didn't care how stupid their conversations would get, because he was stupid in love.

Eddie's long hair was still dripping , and the way it clung to his bare torso had no right being so sexy. He took a long drag, holding it out for Steve to take. When he didn't grab it from him, he glanced over to see what was taking him so long.

He looked over to see Steve with his eyes locked on him, mouth slightly agape. The sight was enough to make Eddie burst into giggles, releasing the smoke that had been trapped in his lungs.

He blinked himself out of it, taking the offered joint. "Hey man, what's so funny?" he asked, feeling as though he was left out of some great joke. He brought the tip to his lips, inhaling the spicy sweet smoke as he waited for an answer.

Eddie's giggles trailed off into a sigh. "You are, Harrington." Steve sputtered, which morphed into a cough as the smoke billowed out of his mouth.

"I wasn't even doing anything!" he protested, embarrassment creeping up inside his chest. Eddie sat up on the lounger to face him.

"Oh but you were. You were gawking at me." Steve's embarrassment only grew.

"I-I was not!" he defended weakly, knowing that he totally was.

"It's okay, it's actually kind of cute. But a picture'll last you longer. Oh, and next time, close your mouth dude. You'll swallow a fly like that," he teased, all dimples and dazzling smile. Steve's stomach did a flip and he looked away.

"Shut up. I was admiring your tattoos." It wasn't exactly a lie. Steve had found himself rather fixated on all of the ink adorning his body. Eddie couldn't stop the wide grin from spreading across his face. All sly and a little bit lopsided, teasing and a little shy all at once.

He circled around the spider tattoo near his neck with a single finger. "Why? You jealous or somethin'?" he teased, enjoying the way Steve could no longer meet his eyes. "'Cause I can get you in touch with my guy," he offered, taking the joint from Steve. He let the rolled cigarette dangle between his lips as he spoke. Steve swallowed thickly.

"No I-I'm good. I don't even know what I'd want. They look better on you anyways," he said, keeping his gaze on the ice blue water lapping at the edges of the pool. When he looked back up, Eddie was sitting on the edge of his lounger, leaning a little too far into his personal space. Steve jumped back in surprise, drawing forth a rumbling chuckle from Eddie's throat.

"Everyone looks good in ink babe. But I concur, I wear it well," he bragged, admiring the bats dotting his forearm. Eddie took another hit, blowing the smoke out slowly, directly in Steve's face. Despite the hot summer air, a chill ran down his spine. Eddie's face was so close to his. Steve was about to lean in and close the distance when Eddie continued speaking.

"Yeah I'm actually thinking of getting another one. Riiiight here," he slapped the center of his stomach.  Steve was absolutely entranced by the way his hand rubbed over the skin before sliding off to the side. When Eddie caught him staring once more, he burst into giggles, hiding his smile behind a hand.

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