The Ladies Man

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" I will never leave your side" As he feels lots of love and compassion for her.

Tears flow from his eyes down his cheeks onto the floor. Meanwhile Shavon has set it in her mind that the job is not finished. She comes up with a evil plan to make things very difficult for the couple.

" This bitch doesn't know who she's dealing with" In a deep dark laugh as she grabs a needle filled with a dangerous medicine inside. She squirts some out to make sure it's working right.

"Yes the joy of taking my man back" calling every near by hospital trying to locate Shavon.

" Yes 304 are you her sister? " One new nurse replied.

" Yes I am, I will be on my way shortly thanks". Quickly hanging up the phone.
Then finds her old nursing uniform from the very same hospital. Dancing in the mirror very excited about the situation. The door slams hard and off she goes passing through intersections like a bat out of hell. Reaching her destination in ten minutes.

The car door opens slowly and the demon in her is wide awake. She looks around takes a deep breath and makes her way to the front of the hospital.

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